Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

unaided, and I knew that to make him happy I must keep aloof from

his ministration. But when at dinner he warmed with the good

action of the day, and conceived the brilliant idea of comforting

the mourner with ‘an English funeral,’ I ventured to intimate that

I thought that institution, which was not absolutely sublime at

home, might prove a failure in Italian hands. However, Mr.

Kindheart was so enraptured with his conception, that he presently

wrote down into the town requesting the attendance with to-morrow’s

earliest light of a certain little upholsterer. This upholsterer

was famous for speaking the unintelligible local dialect (his own)

in a far more unintelligible manner than any other man alive.

When from my bath next morning I overheard Mr. Kindheart and the

upholsterer in conference on the top of an echoing staircase; and

when I overheard Mr. Kindheart rendering English Undertaking

phrases into very choice Italian, and the upholsterer replying in

the unknown Tongues; and when I furthermore remembered that the

local funerals had no resemblance to English funerals; I became in

my secret bosom apprehensive. But Mr. Kindheart informed me at

breakfast that measures had been taken to ensure a signal success.

As the funeral was to take place at sunset, and as I knew to which

of the city gates it must tend, I went out at that gate as the sun

descended, and walked along the dusty, dusty road. I had not

walked far, when I encountered this procession:

1. Mr. Kindheart, much abashed, on an immense grey horse.

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

2. A bright yellow coach and pair, driven by a coachman in bright

red velvet knee-breeches and waistcoat. (This was the established

local idea of State.) Both coach doors kept open by the coffin,

which was on its side within, and sticking out at each.

3. Behind the coach, the mourner, for whom the coach was intended,

walking in the dust.

4. Concealed behind a roadside well for the irrigation of a garden,

the unintelligible Upholsterer, admiring.

It matters little now. Coaches of all colours are alike to poor

Kindheart, and he rests far North of the little cemetery with the

cypress-trees, by the city walls where the Mediterranean is so


My first funeral, a fair representative funeral after its kind, was

that of the husband of a married servant, once my nurse. She

married for money. Sally Flanders, after a year or two of

matrimony, became the relict of Flanders, a small master builder;

and either she or Flanders had done me the honour to express a

desire that I should ‘follow.’ I may have been seven or eight

years old; – young enough, certainly, to feel rather alarmed by the

expression, as not knowing where the invitation was held to

terminate, and how far I was expected to follow the deceased

Flanders. Consent being given by the heads of houses, I was jobbed

up into what was pronounced at home decent mourning (comprehending

somebody else’s shirt, unless my memory deceives me), and was

admonished that if, when the funeral was in action, I put my hands

in my pockets, or took my eyes out of my pocket-handkerchief, I was

personally lost, and my family disgraced. On the eventful day,

having tried to get myself into a disastrous frame of mind, and

having formed a very poor opinion of myself because I couldn’t cry,

I repaired to Sally’s. Sally was an excellent creature, and had

been a good wife to old Flanders, but the moment I saw her I knew

that she was not in her own real natural state. She formed a sort

of Coat of Arms, grouped with a smelling-bottle, a handkerchief, an

orange, a bottle of vinegar, Flanders’s sister, her own sister,

Flanders’s brother’s wife, and two neighbouring gossips – all in

mourning, and all ready to hold her whenever she fainted. At sight

of poor little me she became much agitated (agitating me much

more), and having exclaimed, ‘O here’s dear Master Uncommercial!’

became hysterical, and swooned as if I had been the death of her.

An affecting scene followed, during which I was handed about and

poked at her by various people, as if I were the bottle of salts.

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Categories: Charles Dickens