Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

vagabond than myself; it is so natural to me, and strong with me,

that I think I must be the descendant, at no great distance, of

some irreclaimable tramp.

One of the pleasantest things I have lately met with, in a vagabond

course of shy metropolitan neighbourhoods and small shops, is the

fancy of a humble artist, as exemplified in two portraits

representing Mr. Thomas Sayers, of Great Britain, and Mr. John

Heenan, of the United States of America. These illustrious men are

highly coloured in fighting trim, and fighting attitude. To

suggest the pastoral and meditative nature of their peaceful

calling, Mr. Heenan is represented on emerald sward, with primroses

and other modest flowers springing up under the heels of his halfboots;

while Mr. Sayers is impelled to the administration of his

favourite blow, the Auctioneer, by the silent eloquence of a

village church. The humble homes of England, with their domestic

virtues and honeysuckle porches, urge both heroes to go in and win;

and the lark and other singing birds are observable in the upper

air, ecstatically carolling their thanks to Heaven for a fight. On

the whole, the associations entwined with the pugilistic art by

this artist are much in the manner of Izaak Walton.

But, it is with the lower animals of back streets and by-ways that

my present purpose rests. For human notes we may return to such

neighbourhoods when leisure and opportunity serve.

Nothing in shy neighbourhoods perplexes my mind more, than the bad

company birds keep. Foreign birds often get into good society, but

British birds are inseparable from low associates. There is a

whole street of them in St. Giles’s; and I always find them in poor

and immoral neighbourhoods, convenient to the public-house and the

pawnbroker’s. They seem to lead people into drinking, and even the

man who makes their cages usually gets into a chronic state of

black eye. Why is this? Also, they will do things for people in

short-skirted velveteen coats with bone buttons, or in sleeved

waistcoats and fur caps, which they cannot be persuaded by the

respectable orders of society to undertake. In a dirty court in

Spitalfields, once, I found a goldfinch drawing his own water, and

drawing as much of it as if he were in a consuming fever. That

goldfinch lived at a bird-shop, and offered, in writing, to barter

himself against old clothes, empty bottles, or even kitchen stuff.

Surely a low thing and a depraved taste in any finch! I bought

that goldfinch for money. He was sent home, and hung upon a nail

over against my table. He lived outside a counterfeit dwellinghouse,

supposed (as I argued) to be a dyer’s; otherwise it would

have been impossible to account for his perch sticking out of the

garret window. From the time of his appearance in my room, either

he left off being thirsty – which was not in the bond – or he could

not make up his mind to hear his little bucket drop back into his

well when he let it go: a shock which in the best of times had

made him tremble. He drew no water but by stealth and under the

cloak of night. After an interval of futile and at length hopeless

expectation, the merchant who had educated him was appealed to.

The merchant was a bow-legged character, with a flat and cushiony

nose, like the last new strawberry. He wore a fur cap, and shorts,

and was of the velveteen race, velveteeny. He sent word that he

would ‘look round.’ He looked round, appeared in the doorway of

the room, and slightly cocked up his evil eye at the goldfinch.

Instantly a raging thirst beset that bird; when it was appeased, he

still drew several unnecessary buckets of water; and finally,

leaped about his perch and sharpened his bill, as if he had been to

the nearest wine vaults and got drunk.

Page 61

Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

Donkeys again. I know shy neighbourhoods where the Donkey goes in

at the street door, and appears to live up-stairs, for I have

examined the back-yard from over the palings, and have been unable

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Categories: Charles Dickens