Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

our business, and have shown a tendency to declare that we would

rather not have it misregulated, if such declaration may, without

violence to the Church Catechism, be hinted to those who are put in

authority over us.

Any animated description of a modern battle, any private soldier’s

letter published in the newspapers, any page of the records of the

Victoria Cross, will show that in the ranks of the army, there

exists under all disadvantages as fine a sense of duty as is to be

found in any station on earth. Who doubts that if we all did our

duty as faithfully as the soldier does his, this world would be a

better place? There may be greater difficulties in our way than in

the soldier’s. Not disputed. But, let us at least do our duty

towards HIM.

I had got back again to that rich and beautiful port where I had

looked after Mercantile Jack, and I was walking up a hill there, on

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

a wild March morning. My conversation with my official friend

Pangloss, by whom I was accidentally accompanied, took this

direction as we took the up-hill direction, because the object of

my uncommercial journey was to see some discharged soldiers who had

recently come home from India. There were men of HAVELOCK’s among

them; there were men who had been in many of the great battles of

the great Indian campaign, among them; and I was curious to note

what our discharged soldiers looked like, when they were done with.

I was not the less interested (as I mentioned to my official friend

Pangloss) because these men had claimed to be discharged, when

their right to be discharged was not admitted. They had behaved

with unblemished fidelity and bravery; but, a change of

circumstances had arisen, which, as they considered, put an end to

their compact and entitled them to enter on a new one. Their

demand had been blunderingly resisted by the authorities in India:

but, it is to be presumed that the men were not far wrong, inasmuch

as the bungle had ended in their being sent home discharged, in

pursuance of orders from home. (There was an immense waste of

money, of course.)

Under these circumstances – thought I, as I walked up the hill, on

which I accidentally encountered my official friend – under these

circumstances of the men having successfully opposed themselves to

the Pagoda Department of that great Circumlocution Office on which

the sun never sets and the light of reason never rises, the Pagoda

Department will have been particularly careful of the national

honour. It will have shown these men, in the scrupulous good

faith, not to say the generosity, of its dealing with them, that

great national authorities can have no small retaliations and

revenges. It will have made every provision for their health on

the passage home, and will have landed them, restored from their

campaigning fatigues by a sea-voyage, pure air, sound food, and

good medicines. And I pleased myself with dwelling beforehand, on

the great accounts of their personal treatment which these men

would carry into their various towns and villages, and on the

increasing popularity of the service that would insensibly follow.

I almost began to hope that the hitherto-never-failing deserters on

my railroad would by-and-by become a phenomenon.

In this agreeable frame of mind I entered the workhouse of

Liverpool. – For, the cultivation of laurels in a sandy soil, had

brought the soldiers in question to THAT abode of Glory.

Before going into their wards to visit them, I inquired how they

had made their triumphant entry there? They had been brought

through the rain in carts it seemed, from the landing-place to the

gate, and had then been carried up-stairs on the backs of paupers.

Their groans and pains during the performance of this glorious

pageant, had been so distressing, as to bring tears into the eyes

of spectators but too well accustomed to scenes of suffering. The

men were so dreadfully cold, that those who could get near the

fires were hard to be restrained from thrusting their feet in among

the blazing coals. They were so horribly reduced, that they were

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Categories: Charles Dickens