Island 92 belongs to Arkansas. The river moved it over

and joined it to Mississippi. A chap established a whiskey

shop there, without a Mississippi license, and enriched

himself upon Mississippi custom under Arkansas protection

(where no license was in those days required).

We glided steadily down the river in the usual privacy–

steamboat or other moving thing seldom seen. Scenery as always:

stretch upon stretch of almost unbroken forest, on both sides

of the river; soundless solitude. Here and there a cabin or two,

standing in small openings on the gray and grassless banks–

cabins which had formerly stood a quarter or half-mile farther

to the front, and gradually been pulled farther and farther back

as the shores caved in. As at Pilcher’s Point, for instance,

where the cabins had been moved back three hundred yards

in three months, so we were told; but the caving banks had

already caught up with them, and they were being conveyed

rearward once more.

Napoleon had but small opinion of Greenville, Mississippi, in the old times;

but behold, Napoleon is gone to the cat-fishes, and here is Greenville full

of life and activity, and making a considerable flourish in the Valley;

having three thousand inhabitants, it is said, and doing a gross trade of

$2,500,000 annually. A growing town.

There was much talk on the boat about the Calhoun Land Company,

an enterprise which is expected to work wholesome results.

Colonel Calhoun, a grandson of the statesman, went to Boston

and formed a syndicate which purchased a large tract of land on

the river, in Chicot County, Arkansas–some ten thousand acres–

for cotton-growing. The purpose is to work on a cash basis:

buy at first hands, and handle their own product; supply their negro

laborers with provisions and necessaries at a trifling profit,

say 8 or 10 per cent.; furnish them comfortable quarters,

etc., and encourage them to save money and remain on the place.

If this proves a financial success, as seems quite certain,

they propose to establish a banking-house in Greenville,

and lend money at an unburdensome rate of interest–6 per cent.

is spoken of.

The trouble heretofore has been–I am quoting remarks of planters

and steamboatmen–that the planters, although owning the land,

were without cash capital; had to hypothecate both land and crop

to carry on the business. Consequently, the commission dealer

who furnishes the money takes some risk and demands big interest–

usually 10 per cent., and 2 per cent. for negotiating the loan.

The planter has also to buy his supplies through the same dealer,

paying commissions and profits. Then when he ships his crop,

the dealer adds his commissions, insurance, etc. So, taking it

by and large, and first and last, the dealer’s share of that crop

is about 25 per cent.’

A cotton-planter’s estimate of the average margin of profit

on planting, in his section: One man and mule will raise ten

acres of cotton, giving ten bales cotton, worth, say, $500; cost

of producing, say $350; net profit, $150, or $15 per acre.

There is also a profit now from the cotton-seed, which formerly

had little value–none where much transportation was necessary.

In sixteen hundred pounds crude cotton four hundred are lint,

worth, say, ten cents a pound; and twelve hundred pounds of seed,

worth $12 or $13 per ton. Maybe in future even the stems will

not be thrown away. Mr. Edward Atkinson says that for each

bale of cotton there are fifteen hundred pounds of stems,

and that these are very rich in phosphate of lime and potash;

that when ground and mixed with ensilage or cotton-seed meal

(which is too rich for use as fodder in large quantities),

the stem mixture makes a superior food, rich in all the

elements needed for the production of milk, meat, and bone.

Heretofore the stems have been considered a nuisance.

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Categories: Twain, Mark