i did not cair for what you said, & at the first go off I didn’t, but i

noed you was a man who had don big work with good men & want no sucker,

nor want gasing & all the boys knod it.

I used to think at nite what you said, & for it i nocked off swearing months

before my time was up, for i saw it want no good, nohow–the day my time

was up you told me if i would shake the cross (QUIT STEALING) & live on

the square for months, it would be the best job i ever done in my life.

The state agent give me a ticket to here, & on the car i thought more of

what you said to me, but didn’t make up my mind. When we got to Chicago

on the cars from there to here, I pulled off an old woman’s leather;

(ROBBED HER OF HER POCKETBOOK) i hadn’t no more than got it off when i

wished i hadn’t done it, for awhile before that i made up my mind

to be a square bloke, for months on your word, but forgot it when i saw

the leather was a grip (EASY TO GET)–but i kept clos to her & when she

got out of the cars at a way place i said, marm have you lost anything.

& she tumbled (DISCOVERED) her leather was off (GONE)–is this it says i,

giving it to her–well if you aint honest, says she, but i hadn’t got

cheak enough to stand that sort of talk, so i left her in a hurry.

When i got here i had $1 and 25 cents left & i didn’t get no work for 3

days as i aint strong enough for roust about on a steam bote (FOR A

DECK HAND)–The afternoon of the 3rd day I spent my last 10 cts for moons

(LARGE, ROUND SEA-BISCUIT) & cheese & i felt pretty rough & was thinking

i would have to go on the dipe (PICKING POCKETS) again, when i thought

of what you once said about a fellows calling on the Lord when he was

in hard luck, & i thought i would try it once anyhow, but when i tryed

it i got stuck on the start, & all i could get off wos, Lord give a poor

fellow a chance to square it for 3 months for Christ’s sake, amen; & i

kept a thinking, of it over and over as i went along–about an hour after

that i was in 4th St. & this is what happened & is the cause of my being

where i am now & about which i will tell you before i get done writing.

As i was walking along herd a big noise & saw a horse running away with a

carriage with 2 children in it, & I grabed up a peace of box cover from

the side walk & run in the middle of the street, & when the horse came up i

smashed him over the head as hard as i could drive–the bord split to peces

& the horse checked up a little & I grabbed the reigns & pulled his head

down until he stopped–the gentleman what owned him came running up & soon

as he saw the children were all rite, he shook hands with me and gave

me a $50 green back, & my asking the Lord to help me come into my head,

& i was so thunderstruck i couldn’t drop the reigns nor say nothing–

he saw something was up, & coming back to me said, my boy are you hurt?

& the thought come into my head just then to ask him for work; & i asked

him to take back the bill and give me a job–says he, jump in here &

lets talk about it, but keep the money–he asked me if i could take care

of horses & i said yes, for i used to hang round livery stables & often

would help clean & drive horses, he told me he wanted a man for that work,

& would give me $16 a month & bord me. You bet i took that chance at once.

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Categories: Twain, Mark