and his men grouped about him. The next moment the swimmer’s face

appeared in the circle of light, and in another one the owner of it

was hauled aboard, limp and drenched, while cheer on cheer went up.

It was that devil Tom.

The yawl crew searched everywhere, but found no sign of the two men.

They probably failed to catch the guard, tumbled back, and were struck

by the wheel and killed. Tom had never jumped for the guard at all,

but had plunged head-first into the river and dived under the wheel.

It was nothing; I could have done it easy enough, and I said so;

but everybody went on just the same, making a wonderful to do over that ass,

as if he had done something great. That girl couldn’t seem to have

enough of that pitiful ‘hero’ the rest of the trip; but little I cared;

I loathed her, any way.

The way we came to mistake the sounding-boat’s lantern for the

buoy-light was this. My chief said that after laying the buoy

he fell away and watched it till it seemed to be secure; then he took

up a position a hundred yards below it and a little to one side of

the steamer’s course, headed the sounding-boat up-stream, and waited.

Having to wait some time, he and the officer got to talking;

he looked up when he judged that the steamer was about on the reef;

saw that the buoy was gone, but supposed that the steamer had already

run over it; he went on with his talk; he noticed that the steamer

was getting very close on him, but that was the correct thing;

it was her business to shave him closely, for convenience in taking

him aboard; he was expecting her to sheer off, until the last moment;

then it flashed upon him that she was trying to run him down,

mistaking his lantern for the buoy-light; so he sang out,

‘Stand by to spring for the guard, men!’ and the next instant the

jump was made.

Chapter 13

A Pilot’s Needs

BUT I am wandering from what I was intending to do, that is,

make plainer than perhaps appears in the previous chapters,

some of the peculiar requirements of the science of piloting.

First of all, there is one faculty which a pilot must incessantly

cultivate until he has brought it to absolute perfection.

Nothing short of perfection will do. That faculty is memory.

He cannot stop with merely thinking a thing is so and so;

he must know it; for this is eminently one of the ‘exact’ sciences.

With what scorn a pilot was looked upon, in the old times,

if he ever ventured to deal in that feeble phrase ‘I think,’

instead of the vigorous one ‘I know!’ One cannot easily realize

what a tremendous thing it is to know every trivial detail of twelve

hundred miles of river and know it with absolute exactness.

If you will take the longest street in New York, and travel up

and down it, conning its features patiently until you know every

house and window and door and lamp-post and big and little sign

by heart, and know them so accurately that you can instantly

name the one you are abreast of when you are set down at random

in that street in the middle of an inky black night, you will then

have a tolerable notion of the amount and the exactness of a

pilot’s knowledge who carries the Mississippi River in his head.

And then if you will go on until you know every street crossing,

the character, size, and position of the crossing-stones,

and the varying depth of mud in each of those numberless places,

you will have some idea of what the pilot must know in order

to keep a Mississippi steamer out of trouble. Next, if you

will take half of the signs in that long street, and CHANGE THEIR

PLACES once a month, and still manage to know their new positions

accurately on dark nights, and keep up with these repeated changes

without making any mistakes, you will understand what is required

of a pilot’s peerless memory by the fickle Mississippi.

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Categories: Twain, Mark