The bear’s limbs doubled under him, and he fell, stunned by the blow.

But before Mudjikewis could renew it, the monster disgorged all

the water he had drank, with a force which sent the canoe with great

velocity to the opposite shore. Instantly leaving the canoe,

again they fled, and on they went till they were completely exhausted.

The earth again shook, and soon they saw the monster hard

after them. Their spirits drooped, and they felt discouraged.

The leader exerted himself, by actions and words, to cheer them up;

and once more he asked them if they thought of nothing, or could

do nothing for their rescue; and, as before, all were silent.

‘Then,’ he said, ‘this is the last time I can apply to my guardian spirit.

Now, if we do not succeed, our fates are decided.’ He ran forward,

invoking his spirit with great earnestness, and gave the yell.

‘We shall soon arrive,’ said he to his brothers, ‘at the place where

my last guardian spirit dwells. In him I place great confidence.

Do not, do not be afraid, or your limbs will be fear-bound. We shall

soon reach his lodge. Run, run,’ he cried.

Returning now to Iamo, he had passed all the time in the same

condition we had left him, the head directing his sister,

in order to procure food, where to place the magic arrows,

and speaking at long intervals. One day the sister saw the eyes

of the head brighten, as if with pleasure. At last it spoke.

‘Oh, sister,’ it said, ‘in what a pitiful situation you

have been the cause of placing me! Soon, very soon, a party

of young men will arrive and apply to me for aid; but alas!

How can I give what I would have done with so much pleasure?

Nevertheless, take two arrows, and place them where you have

been in the habit of placing the others, and have meat prepared

and cooked before they arrive. When you hear them coming

and calling on my name, go out and say, “Alas! it is long

ago that an accident befell him. I was the cause of it.”

If they still come near, ask them in, and set meat before them.

And now you must follow my directions strictly. When the bear

is near, go out and meet him. You will take my medicine-sack, bows

and arrows, and my head. You must then untie the sack, and spread

out before you my paints of all colors, my war-eagle feathers,

my tufts of dried hair, and whatever else it contains.

As the bear approaches, you will take all these articles,

one by one, and say to him, “This is my deceased brother’s paint,”

and so on with all the other articles, throwing each of them

as far as you can. The virtues contained in them will cause

him to totter; and, to complete his destruction, you will take

my head, and that too you will cast as far off as you can,

crying aloud, “See, this is my deceased brother’s head.”

He will then fall senseless. By this time the young men

will have eaten, and you will call them to your assistance.

You must then cut the carcass into pieces, yes, into small pieces,

and scatter them to the four winds; for, unless you do this,

he will again revive.’ She promised that all should be

done as he said. She had only time to prepare the meat,

when the voice of the leader was heard calling upon Iamo for aid.

The woman went out and said as her brother had directed.

But the war party being closely pursued, came up to the lodge.

She invited them in, and placed the meat before them.

While they were eating, they heard the bear approaching.

Untying the medicine-sack and taking the head, she had all

in readiness for his approach. When he came up she did

as she had been told; and, before she had expended the paints

and feathers, the bear began to totter, but, still advancing,

came close to the woman. Saying as she was commanded, she then

took the head, and cast it as far from her as she could.

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Categories: Twain, Mark