that nite in my little room over the stable i sat a long time thinking

over my past life & of what had just happened & i just got down on

my nees & thanked the Lord for the job & to help me to square it,

& to bless you for putting me up to it, & the next morning i done it

again & got me some new togs (CLOTHES) & a bible for i made up my mind

after what the Lord had done for me i would read the bible every nite

and morning, & ask him to keep an eye on me. When I had been there

about a week Mr. Brown (that’s his name) came in my room one nite and saw

me reading the bible–he asked me if i was a Christian & i told him no–

he asked me how it was i read the bible instead of papers & books–

Well Charlie i thought i had better give him a square deal in the start,

so i told him all about my being in prison & about you, & how i had almost

done give up looking for work & how the Lord got me the job when I asked him;

& the only way i had to pay him back was to read the bible & square it,

& i asked him to give me a chance for 3 months–he talked to me like a father

for a long time, & told me i could stay & then i felt better than ever

i had done in my life, for i had given Mr. Brown a fair start with me &

now i didn’t fear no one giving me a back cap (EXPOSING HIS PAST LIFE)

& running me off the job–the next morning he called me into the library

& gave me another square talk, & advised me to study some every day,

& he would help me one or 2 hours every nite, & he gave me a Arithmetic,

a spelling book, a Geography & a writing book, & he hers me every nite–

he lets me come into the house to prayers every morning, & got me put in a

bible class in the Sunday School which i likes very much for it helps me

to understand my bible better.

Now, Charlie the 3 months on the square are up 2 months ago,

& as you said, it is the best job i ever did in my life,

& i commenced another of the same sort right away, only it

is to God helping me to last a lifetime Charlie–i wrote

this letter to tell you I do think God has forgiven my sins

& herd your prayers, for you told me you should pray for me–

i no i love to read his word & tell him all my troubles &

he helps me i know for i have plenty of chances to steal

but i don’t feel to as i once did & now i take more pleasure

in going to church than to the theater & that wasnt so once–

our minister and others often talk with me & a month ago

they wanted me to join the church, but I said no, not now,

i may be mistaken in my feelings, i will wait awhile,

but now i feel that God has called me & on the first Sunday

in July i will join the church–dear friend i wish i could

write to you as i feel, but i cant do it yet–you no i learned

to read and write while prisons & i aint got well enough along

to write as i would talk; i no i aint spelled all the words rite

in this & lots of other mistakes but you will excuse it i no,

for you no i was brought up in a poor house until i run away,

& that i never new who my father and mother was & i dont

no my right name, & i hope you wont be mad at me, but i have

as much rite to one name as another & i have taken your name,

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Categories: Twain, Mark