of Mr. Tom Ellis was in danger, and his family were all in it. We steamed

there immediately, and a sad picture was presented. Looking out of the half

of the window left above water, was Mrs. Ellis, who is in feeble health,

whilst at the door were her seven children, the oldest not fourteen years.

One side of the house was given up to the work animals, some twelve head,

besides hogs. In the next room the family lived, the water coming within two

inches of the bed-rail. The stove was below water, and the cooking was done

on a fire on top of it. The house threatened to give way at any moment:

one end of it was sinking, and, in fact, the building looked a mere shell.

As the boat rounded to, Mr. Ellis came out in a dug-out, and General

York told him that he had come to his relief; that ‘The Times-Democrat’

boat was at his service, and would remove his family at once to the hills,

and on Monday a flat would take out his stock, as, until that time,

they would be busy. Notwithstanding the deplorable situation himself

and family were in, Mr. Ellis did not want to leave. He said he thought

he would wait until Monday, and take the risk of his house falling.

The children around the door looked perfectly contented, seeming to care

little for the danger they were in. These are but two instances of the many.

After weeks of privation and suffering, people still cling to their houses

and leave only when there is not room between the water and the ceiling

to build a scaffold on which to stand. It seemed to be incomprehensible,

yet the love for the old place was stronger than that for safety.

After leaving the Ellis place, the next spot touched at

was the Oswald place. Here the flat was towed alongside

the gin-house where there were fifteen head standing in water;

and yet, as they stood on scaffolds, their heads were above

the top of the entrance. It was found impossible to get

them out without cutting away a portion of the front;

and so axes were brought into requisition and a gap made.

After much labor the horses and mules were securely placed

on the flat.

At each place we stop there are always three, four, or more dug-outs

arriving, bringing information of stock in other places in need.

Notwithstanding the fact that a great many had driven a part of their

stock to the hills some time ago, there yet remains a large quantity,

which General York, who is working with indomitable energy, will get

landed in the pine hills by Tuesday.

All along Black River the ‘Susie’ has been visited by scores

of planters, whose tales are the repetition of those already

heard of suffering and loss. An old planter, who has lived on

the river since 1844, said there never was such a rise, and he was

satisfied more than one quarter of the stock has been lost.

Luckily the people cared first for their work stock, and when they

could find it horses and mules were housed in a place of safety.

The rise which still continues, and was two inches last night,

compels them to get them out to the hills; hence it is

that the work of General York is of such a great value.

From daylight to late at night he is going this way and that,

cheering by his kindly words and directing with calm judgment

what is to be done. One unpleasant story, of a certain

merchant in New Orleans, is told all along the river.

It appears for some years past the planters have been dealing

with this individual, and many of them had balances in his hands.

When the overflow came they wrote for coffee, for meal, and,

in fact, for such little necessities as were required.

No response to these letters came, and others were written,

and yet these old customers, with plantations under water,

were refused even what was necessary to sustain life. It is needless

to say he is not popular now on Back River.

The hills spoken of as the place of refuge for the people and stock on Black

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Categories: Twain, Mark