‘This,’ said he, ‘is what we must get. It contains the wampum.’

Then they requested the eldest to try and slip the belt over

the bear’s head, who appeared to be fast asleep, as he was not

in the least disturbed by the attempt to obtain the belt.

All their efforts were in vain, till it came to the one

next the youngest. He tried, and the belt moved nearly

over the monster’s head, but he could get it no farther.

Then the youngest one, and the leader, made his attempt, and succeeded.

Placing it on the back of the oldest, he said, ‘Now we must run,’

and off they started. When one became fatigued with its weight,

another would relieve him. Thus they ran till they had passed

the bones of all former warriors, and were some distance beyond,

when looking back, they saw the monster slowly rising.

He stood some time before he missed his wampum. Soon they heard his

tremendous howl, like distant thunder, slowly filling all the sky;

and then they heard him speak and say, ‘Who can it be that has

dared to steal my wampum? earth is not so large but that I

can find them;’ and he descended from the hill in pursuit.

As if convulsed, the earth shook with every jump he made.

Very soon he approached the party. They, however, kept the belt,

exchanging it from one to another, and encouraging each other;

but he gained on them fast. ‘Brothers,’ said the leader,

‘has never any one of you, when fasting, dreamed of some friendly

spirit who would aid you as a guardian?’ A dead silence followed.

‘Well,’ said he, ‘fasting, I dreamed of being in danger

of instant death, when I saw a small lodge, with smoke curling

from its top. An old man lived in it, and I dreamed he helped me;

and may it be verified soon,’ he said, running forward and

giving the peculiar yell, and a howl as if the sounds came

from the depths of his stomach, and what is called CHECAUDUM.

Getting upon a piece of rising ground, behold! a lodge, with smoke

curling from its top, appeared. This gave them all new strength,

and they ran forward and entered it. The leader spoke to

the old man who sat in the lodge, saying, ‘Nemesho, help us;

we claim your protection, for the great bear will kill us.’

‘Sit down and eat, my grandchildren,’ said the old man.

‘Who is a great manito?’ said he. ‘There is none but me;

but let me look,’ and he opened the door of the lodge, when,

lo! at a little distance he saw the enraged animal coming on,

with slow but powerful leaps. He closed the door.

‘Yes,’ said he, ‘he is indeed a great manito: my grandchildren,

you will be the cause of my losing my life; you asked my protection,

and I granted it; so now, come what may, I will protect you.

When the bear arrives at the door, you must run out of the other

door of the lodge.’ Then putting his hand to the side of

the lodge where he sat, he brought out a bag which he opened.

Taking out two small black dogs, he placed them before him.

‘These are the ones I use when I fight,’ said he; and he commenced

patting with both hands the sides of one of them, and he began

to swell out, so that he soon filled the lodge by his bulk;

and he had great strong teeth. When he attained his full

size he growled, and from that moment, as from instinct,

he jumped out at the door and met the bear, who in another leap

would have reached the lodge. A terrible combat ensued.

The skies rang with the howls of the fierce monsters.

The remaining dog soon took the field. The brothers, at the onset,

took the advice of the old man, and escaped through the opposite

side of the lodge. They had not proceeded far before they heard

the dying cry of one of the dogs, and soon after of the other.

‘Well,’ said the leader, ‘the old man will share their fate:

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Categories: Twain, Mark