work with one hand tied behind him by party and patrons,

and be content to utter only half or two-thirds of his mind;

no clergyman is a free man and may speak the whole truth,

regardless of his parish’s opinions; writers of all kinds are

manacled servants of the public. We write frankly and fearlessly,

but then we ‘modify’ before we print. In truth, every man and

woman and child has a master, and worries and frets in servitude;

but in the day I write of, the Mississippi pilot had none.

The captain could stand upon the hurricane deck, in the pomp

of a very brief authority, and give him five or six orders while

the vessel backed into the stream, and then that skipper’s reign

was over. The moment that the boat was under way in the river,

she was under the sole and unquestioned control of the pilot.

He could do with her exactly as he pleased, run her when and whither

he chose, and tie her up to the bank whenever his judgment said

that that course was best. His movements were entirely free;

he consulted no one, he received commands from nobody,

he promptly resented even the merest suggestions. Indeed, the law

of the United States forbade him to listen to commands

or suggestions, rightly considering that the pilot necessarily

knew better how to handle the boat than anybody could tell him.

So here was the novelty of a king without a keeper, an absolute monarch

who was absolute in sober truth and not by a fiction of words.

I have seen a boy of eighteen taking a great steamer serenely

into what seemed almost certain destruction, and the aged captain

standing mutely by, filled with apprehension but powerless

to interfere. His interference, in that particular instance,

might have been an excellent thing, but to permit it would

have been to establish a most pernicious precedent. It will

easily be guessed, considering the pilot’s boundless authority,

that he was a great personage in the old steamboating days.

He was treated with marked courtesy by the captain and with marked

deference by all the officers and servants; and this deferential

spirit was quickly communicated to the passengers, too. I think

pilots were about the only people I ever knew who failed to show,

in some degree, embarrassment in the presence of traveling

foreign princes. But then, people in one’s own grade of life

are not usually embarrassing objects.

By long habit, pilots came to put all their wishes in the form of commands.

It ‘gravels’ me, to this day, to put my will in the weak shape of

a request, instead of launching it in the crisp language of an order.

In those old days, to load a steamboat at St. Louis, take her to New

Orleans and back, and discharge cargo, consumed about twenty-five days,

on an average. Seven or eight of these days the boat spent at the wharves

of St. Louis and New Orleans, and every soul on board was hard at work,

except the two pilots; they did nothing but play gentleman up town,

and receive the same wages for it as if they had been on duty.

The moment the boat touched the wharf at either city, they were ashore;

and they were not likely to be seen again till the last bell was ringing and

everything in readiness for another voyage.

When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation,

he took pains to keep him. When wages were four hundred dollars

a month on the Upper Mississippi, I have known a captain

to keep such a pilot in idleness, under full pay, three months

at a time, while the river was frozen up. And one must remember

that in those cheap times four hundred dollars was a salary

of almost inconceivable splendor. Few men on shore got such pay

as that, and when they did they were mightily looked up to.

When pilots from either end of the river wandered into our small

Missouri village, they were sought by the best and the fairest,

and treated with exalted respect. Lying in port under wages

was a thing which many pilots greatly enjoyed and appreciated;

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Categories: Twain, Mark