Will it keep the same form and not go fooling around?’

Before Mr. Bixby could answer, Mr. W—- came in to take the watch,

and he said–

‘Bixby, you’ll have to look out for President’s Island and all

that country clear away up above the Old Hen and Chickens.

The banks are caving and the shape of the shores changing

like everything. Why, you wouldn’t know the point above 40.

You can go up inside the old sycamore-snag, now.

So that question was answered. Here were leagues of shore changing shape.

My spirits were down in the mud again. Two things seemed pretty apparent

to me. One was, that in order to be a pilot a man had got to learn more than

any one man ought to be allowed to know; and the other was, that he must learn

it all over again in a different way every twenty-four hours.

That night we had the watch until twelve. Now it was an ancient river

custom for the two pilots to chat a bit when the watch changed.

While the relieving pilot put on his gloves and lit his cigar,

his partner, the retiring pilot, would say something like this–

‘I judge the upper bar is making down a little at Hale’s Point;

had quarter twain with the lower lead and mark twain with the other.’

‘Yes, I thought it was making down a little, last trip.

Meet any boats?’

‘Met one abreast the head of 21, but she was away over hugging the bar,

and I couldn’t make her out entirely. I took her for the “Sunny South”–

hadn’t any skylights forward of the chimneys.’

And so on. And as the relieving pilot took the wheel his

partner would mention that we were in such-and-such a bend,

and say we were abreast of such-and-such a man’s wood-yard

or plantation. This was courtesy; I supposed it was necessity.

But Mr. W—- came on watch full twelve minutes late on

this particular night,–a tremendous breach of etiquette;

in fact, it is the unpardonable sin among pilots.

So Mr. Bixby gave him no greeting whatever, but simply surrendered

the wheel and marched out of the pilot-house without a word.

I was appalled; it was a villainous night for blackness,

we were in a particularly wide and blind part of the river,

where there was no shape or substance to anything, and it

seemed incredible that Mr. Bixby should have left that poor

fellow to kill the boat trying to find out where he was.

But I resolved that I would stand by him any way.

He should find that he was not wholly friendless.

So I stood around, and waited to be asked where we were.

But Mr. W—- plunged on serenely through the solid firmament of black

cats that stood for an atmosphere, and never opened his mouth.

Here is a proud devil, thought I; here is a limb of Satan that

would rather send us all to destruction than put himself under

obligations to me, because I am not yet one of the salt of the earth

and privileged to snub captains and lord it over everything dead

and alive in a steamboat. I presently climbed up on the bench;

I did not think it was safe to go to sleep while this lunatic

was on watch.

However, I must have gone to sleep in the course of time,

because the next thing I was aware of was the fact that day

was breaking, Mr. W—- gone, and Mr. Bixby at the wheel again.

So it was four o’clock and all well–but me; I felt like a skinful

of dry bones and all of them trying to ache at once.

Mr. Bixby asked me what I had stayed up there for. I confessed

that it was to do Mr. W—- a benevolence,–tell him where he was.

It took five minutes for the entire preposterousness of the thing

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Categories: Twain, Mark