Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Got a minute, partner?”

From the tone of Aahz’s voice, I knew the moment I had been dreading had arrived.

Chumley didn’t have to worry about a disguise at all, as trolls were not uncommon in this dimension. Tananda also insisted that she looked enough like a vampire to pass with only minimal modifications. I hadn’t seen any vampires with green hair, but she claimed that she had, so, as always, I yielded to her greater experience in these matters. I was also on the “minimal disguise” list, everyone agreeing that no one in Blut had gotten enough of a look at me to fix the image in their mind. While I wasn’t wild about being so unmemorable, I went along with it … especially when I saw what Guido and Massha were going through. The problems with those two notables have already been mentioned troublesome, but not insurmountable. Then there was Aahz….

“Is there something wrong?” I asked innocently.

“You bet your dragon there’s something wrong!” my partner snarled. “And don’t try to play innocent with me! It didn’t work when you were my apprentice, and it sure isn’t going to work now.”

Aahz’s disguise had presented us with some knotty problems. Not only was he the most wanted member of our party, he was also easily the most distinctive. After the trial and his time in jail, it was doubtful that there was a single citizen of Blut who wouldn’t recognize him on sight. I mean, there just aren’t that many scaly green demons wandering around any dimension . . . except possibly his home dimension of Perv. It was therefore decided . . . almost unanimously . . . that not only would we change my partner’s color with make-up, but that it would also be necessary to change his sex.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert