Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“If you say so. Hot Stuff,” she grimaced, handing over the ring, “but I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“So do I, Massha, so do I. Okay, gang, let’s see what our backyard is really like!”

From the outside, our place looked a lot more impressive than the side that showed in the Bazaar. It really did look like a castle … a rather ominous one at that, squatting alone on a hilltop. I really didn’t study it too close, though, beyond being able to recognize it again for our trip out. As might be expected, my main attention was focused on the new dimension itself.

“Kinda dark, ain’t it.”

Guide’s comment was more statement than question, and he was right.

Wherever we were, the lighting left a lot to be desired. At first I thought it was night, which puzzled me, as so far in my travels all dimensions seemed to be on the same sun-up and sun-down schedule. Then my eyes adjusted to the gloom and I realized the sky was simply heavily overcast… to a point where next to no light at all penetrated, giving a night-like illusion to the day.

Aside from that, from what I could see, this new land seemed pretty much like any of the others I had visited:

Trees, underbrush, and a road leading to or from the castle, depending on which way you were facing. I think it was Tananda who was fond of saying “If you’ve seen one dimension, you’ve seen them all.” Chumley, her brother, argued that the reason for the geologic similarities was that all the dimensions we traveled were different realities off the same base. This always struck me as being a bit redundant . . . “They’re all alike because they’re the same? C’mon Chumley!”, but his rebuttals always left me feeling like I’d been listening to someone doing readings in another language, so of late I’ve been tending to avoid the discussions.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert