Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“This could be a trap, you know,” Massha said thoughtfully.

“She’s right.” Guido nodded. “Take it from someone who’s been on the lam himself. When you’re running from the law and there are only a couple of people who can find you, it gets real tempting to eliminate that link. We’ve only got her word that your partner’s in trouble.”

“It wouldn’t take a mental giant to figure out that you and Aahz are the most likely hunters for the Deveels to hire. After all, they knew whose house they were cutting through for their getaway,” Massha added.

Guido rose to his feet and started pacing. “Right,” he said. “Now suppose they’ve got Aahz. Can you think of a better way to bag the other half of the pair than by feeding you a line about your partner being in trouble so you’ll come charging into whatever trap they’ve laid out? The whole set-up stinks, Boss. I don’t know about strange dimensions, but I do know about criminals. As soon as you step through that door, you’re gonna be a sitting duck.”

“Are you quite through?”

Even to my ears my voice sounded icy, but for a change I didn’t care.

Guido and Massha exchanged glances, then nodded silently.

“Very well. You may be right, and I appreciate your concern for my well-being. HOWEVER …”

My voice sank to a deadly hiss.

“. . . what if you’re wrong? What if our fugitive is telling the truth? You’ve all been on my case about not doing anything to help Aahz. Do you really think I’m just going to sit here while my partner AND friend burns for a crime he didn’t commit … on the off chance that getting involved might be dangerous to me?”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert