Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Beats me,” Massha interceded. “A bunch of offworlder types just took off into that building with blood in their eyes. I’m waiting to see what happens next.”

“Far out,” the vampire breathed, peering toward the structure. “I haven’t seen that many off-worlders in one place except in the flickers. Wasn’t one of them that escaped murderer, Aahz?”

I really didn’t want this character to join our little group. While our disguises seemed to be holding up under casual inspection, I was pretty sure that prolonged close scrutiny would reveal not only the non-local nature of Massha and myself, but also the fact that we were trying to hide it.

“You may be right,” I said, playing a hunch. “If so, it’s a good thing you happened along. We’re going to need all the help we can get.”

“Help? Help for what?”

“Why to catch the murderer, of course. We can’t let him get away again. I figure it’s our duty to stop him ourselves or at least slow him up until the authorities arrive.”

“We? You mean the three of you? You’re going to try to stop a murderer all by yourselves?”

“Four of us now that you’re here.”

The vampire started backing away.

“Ummm . . . actually I’ve got to get back to my friends. We’re on our way to a party. Sorry I can’t help, but I’ll spread the word that you’re looking for volunteers, okay?”

“Hey, thanks,” I called as if I believed him. “We’ll be right here.”

By the time I had finished speaking, he had disappeared into the crowd. Mission accomplished.

“Nicely done, my friend,” Pepe murmured. “He does not, how you say, want to get involved, no?”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert