Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

The answer became apparent in the next few moments. Reaching the apex of the roof, the vampire underwent a chilling metamorphosis. Before the strike force could reach him, he hunched forward and huge batwings began to grow and spread from his back. His plans gone awry, he was getting ready to escape.

In immediate response to his efforts, Tananda and Guido both produced projectile weapons and shouted something to him. Though the distance was too great to make out the words clearly, it was obvious to me that they were threatening to shoot him down if he tried to take to the air.

“We may have a murder case yet,” Kirby murmured, squinting to watch the rooftop drama unfold.

“Murder?” I exclaimed, turning on him. “How can you call it murder if they’re only trying to keep from escaping your justice? “

“That wasn’t what I meant,” the vampire said, never taking his eyes from the action. “Check it out.”

I looked … and my heart stood still.

Aahz had been trying to ease up the roof peak closer to Vic and his hostage. Vic must have seen him, because he was now holding Luanna out over the drop as he pointed an angry finger at my partner. The threat was unmistakable.

“You know, eet is people like zat who give ze vampires a bad name, eh?” Pepe said, nudging me.

I ignored him, lost in my own anxiety and frustration at the stalemated situation. A noticeably harder jab from Massha broke my reverie, however.

“Hey, Hot Stuff. Do you see what I see?”

I tore my gaze away from the confrontation and shot a glance her way. She was standing motionless, her brow furrowed with concentration and her eyes closed.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert