Myth-Ing Persons By Robert L Asprin

“Hey, Boss. You got visitors.”

“See?” my partner exclaimed, beaming. “I told you things could only get better! It’s not even noon and we’ve got more customers.”

“Actually,” Nunzio clarified, “it’s a delegation of Deveels. I think it’s the landlord.”

“The landlord?” Aahz echoed hollowly.

“See how much better things have gotten?” I said with a disgusted smirk. “And it’s not even noon.”

“Shall I run ’em off, Boss?” Guido suggested.

“I think you’d better see ’em,” Nunzio advised. “They seem kind’a upset. Something about us harboring fugitives.”

Aahz and I locked gazes in silence, which was only natural as there was nothing more to be said. With a vague wave that bordered on a nervous tick, I motioned for Nunzio to show the visitors in.

As expected, it was the same delegation of four from the Devan Chamber of Commerce who had originally hired us to work for the Bazaar, headed by our old adversary, Hay-ner. Last time we dealt with him, we had him over a barrel and used the advantage mercilessly. While he had agreed to our terms, I always suspected it had hurt his Devan pride to cut such a generous deal and that he had been waiting ever since to pay us back. From the smile on his face as he entered our reception room, it appeared he felt his chance had finally come.

“Aahh, Master Skeeve,” he said. “How good of you to see us so promptly without an appointment. I know how busy you are, so I’ll come right to the point. I believe there are certain individuals in residence here that our organization is most anxious to speak with. If you would be so kind as to summon them, we won’t trouble you further.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert