Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

frowning gates of Orleans, with banners flying and Joan and the

Grand Staff in the van of the long column. Those two young De

Lavals were come now, and were joined to the Grand Staff. Which

was well; war being their proper trade, for they were grandsons of

that illustrious fighter Bertrand du Guesclin, Constable of France

in earlier days. Louis de Bourbon, the Marshal de Rais, and the

Vidame de Chartres were added also. We had a right to feel a little

uneasy, for we knew that a force of five thousand men was on its

way under Sir John Fastolfe to reinforce Jargeau, but I think we

were not uneasy, nevertheless. In truth, that force was not yet in

our neighborhood. Sir John was loitering; for some reason or other

he was not hurrying. He was losing precious time–four days at

ђtampes, and four more at Janville.

We reached Jargeau and began business at once. Joan sent forward

a heavy force which hurled itself against the outworks in

handsome style, and gained a footing and fought hard to keep it;

but it presently began to fall back before a sortie from the city.

Seeing this, Joan raised her battle-cry and led a new assault herself

under a furious artillery fire. The Paladin was struck down at her

side wounded, but she snatched her standard from his failing hand

and plunged on through the ruck of flying missiles, cheering her

men with encouraging cries; and then for a good time one had

turmoil, and clash of steel, and collision and confusion of

struggling multitudes, and the hoarse bellowing of the guns; and

then the hiding of it all under a rolling firmament of smoke–a

firmament through which veiled vacancies appeared for a moment

now and then, giving fitful dim glimpses of the wild tragedy

enacting beyond; and always at these times one caught sight of that

slight figure in white mail which was the center and soul of our

hope and trust, and whenever we saw that, with its back to us and

its face to the fight, we knew that all was well. At last a great shout

went up–a joyous roar of shoutings, in fact–and that was sign

sufficient that the faubourgs were ours.

Yes, they were ours; the enemy had been driven back within the

walls. On the ground which Joan had won we camped; for night

was coming on.

Joan sent a summons to the English, promising that if they

surrendered she would allow them to go in peace and take their

horses with them. Nobody knew that she could take that strong

place, but she knew it–knew it well; yet she offered that

grace–offered it in a time when such a thing was unknown in war;

in a time when it was custom and usage to massacre the garrison

and the inhabitants of captured cities without pity or

compunctin–yes, even to the harmless women and children

sometimes. There are neighbors all about you who well remember

the unspeakable atrocities which Charles the Bold inflicted upon

the men and women and children of Dinant when he took that

place some years ago. It was a unique and kindly grace which Joan

offered that garrison; but that was her way, that was her loving and

merciful nature–she always did her best to save her enemy’s life

and his soldierly pride when she had the mastery of him.

The English asked fifteen days’ armistice to consider the proposal

in. And Fastolfe coming with five thousand men! Joan said no. But

she offered another grace: they might take both their horses and

their side-arms–but they must go within the hour.

Well, those bronzed English veterans were pretty hard-headed

folk. They declined again. Then Joan gave command that her army

be made ready to move to the assault at nine in the morning.

Considering the deal of marching and fighting which the men had

done that day, D’Alen‡on thought the hour rather early; but Joan

said it was best so, and so must be obeyed. Then she burst out with

one of those enthusiasms which were always burning in her when

battle was imminent, and said:

Work! work! and God will work with us!”

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Categories: Twain, Mark