Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

though Joan said that if they chose to take the risk they might

depart. They preferred to stay with us. We modified our pace now,

and moved cautiously, and the new men were warned to keep their

sorrows to themselves and not get the command into danger with

their curses and lamentations.

Toward dawn we rode deep into a forest, and soon all but the

sentries were sound asleep in spite of the cold ground and the

frosty air.

I woke at noon out of such a solid and stupefying sleep that at first

my wits were all astray, and I did not know where I was nor what

had been happening. Then my senses cleared, and I remembered.

As I lay there thinking over the strange events of the past month or

two the thought came into my mind, greatly surprising me, that

one of Joan’s prophecies had failed; for where were No‰l and the

Paladin, who were to join us at the eleventh hour? By this time,

you see, I had gotten used to expecting everything Joan said to

come true. So, being disturbed and troubled by these thoughts, I

opened my eyes. Well, there stood the Paladin leaning against a

tree and looking down on me! How often that happens; you think

of a person, or speak of a person, and there he stands before you,

and you not dreaming he is near. It looks as if his being near is

really the thing that makes you think of him, and not just an

accident, as people imagine. Well, be that as it may, there was the

Paladin, anyway, looking down in my face and waiting for me to

wake. I was ever so glad to see him, and jumped up and shook him

by the hand, and led him a little way from the camp–he limping

like a cripple–and told him to sit down, and said:

“Now, where have you dropped down from? And how did you

happen to light in this place? And what do the soldier-clothes

mean? Tell me all about it.”

He answered:

“I marched with you last night.”

“No!” (To myself I said, “The prophecy has not all failed–half of it

has come true.”)

“Yes, I did. I hurried up from Domremy to join, and was within a

half a minute of being too late. In fact, I was too late, but I begged

so hard that the governor was touched by my brave devotion to my

country’s cause–those are the words he used–and so he yielded,

and allowed me to come.”

I thought to myself, this is a lie, he is one of those six the governor

recruited by force at the last moment; I know it, for Joan’s

prophecy said he would join at the eleventh hour, but not by his

own desire. Then I said aloud:

“I am glad you came; it is a noble cause, and one should not sit at

home in times like these.”

“Sit at home! I could no more do it than the thunderstone could

stay hid in the clouds when the storm calls it.”

“That is the right talk. It sounds like you.”

That pleased him.

“I’m glad you know me. Some don’t. But they will, presently. They

will know me well enough before I get done with this war.”

“That is what I think. I believe that wherever danger confronts you

you will make yourself conspicuous.”

He was charmed with this speech, and it swelled him up like a

bladder. He said:

“If I know myself–and I think I do–my performances in this

campaign will give you occasion more than once to remember

those words.”

“I were a fool to doubt it. That I know.”

“I shall not be at my best, being but a common soldier; still, the

country will hear of me. If I were where I belong; if I were in the

place of La Hire, or Saintrailles, or the Bastard of Orleans–well, I

say nothing. I am not of the talking kind, like No‰l Rainguesson

and his sort, I thank God. But it will be something, I take it–a

novelty in this world, I should say–to raise the fame of a private

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Categories: Twain, Mark