Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

Retz, Florent d’Illiers, and Poton de Saintrailles.

Each in his degree was tough, and there were three degrees–tough,

tougher, toughest–and La Hire was the last by a shade, but only a

shade. They were just illustrious official brigands, the whole party;

and by long habits of lawlessness they had lost all

acquaintanceship with obedience, if they had ever had any.

But what was the good of saying that? These independent birds

knew no law. They seldom obeyed the King; they never obeyed

him when it didn’t suit them to do it. Would they obey the Maid?

In the first place they wouldn’t know how to obey her or anybody

else, and in the second place it was of course not possible for them

to take her military character seriously–that country-girl of

seventeen who had been trained for the complex and terrible

business of war–how? By tending sheep.

They had no idea of obeying her except in cases where their

veteran military knowledge and experience showed them that the

thing she required was sound and right when gauged by the regular

military standards. Were they to blame for this attitude? I should

think not. Old war-worn captains are hard-headed, practical men.

They do not easily believe in the ability of ignorant children to

plan campaigns and command armies. No general that ever lived

could have taken Joan seriously (militarily) before she raised the

siege of Orleans and followed it with the great campaign of the


Did they consider Joan valueless? Far from it. They valued her as

the fruitful earth values the sun–they fully believed she could

produce the crop, but that it was in their line of business, not hers,

to take it off. They had a deep and superstitious reverence for her

as being endowed with a mysterious supernatural something that

was able to do a mighty thing which they were powerless to

do–blow the breath of life and valor into the dead corpses of

cowed armies and turn them into heroes.

To their minds they were everything with her, but nothing without

her. She could inspire the soldiers and fit them for battle–but fight

the battle herself? Oh, nonsense–that was their function. They, the

generals, would fight the battles, Joan would give the victory. That

was their idea–an unconscious paraphrase of Joan’s reply to the


So they began by playing a deception upon her. She had a clear

idea of how she meant to proceed. It was her purpose to march

boldly upon Orleans by the north bank of the Loire. She gave that

order to her generals. They said to themselves, “The idea is

insane–it is blunder No. 1; it is what might have been expected of

this child who is ignorant of war.” They privately sent the word to

the Bastard of Orleans. He also recognized the insanity of it–at

least he though he did–and privately advised the generals to get

around the order in some way.

They did it by deceiving Joan. She trusted those people, she was

not expecting this sort of treatment, and was not on the lookout for

it. It was a lesson to her; she saw to it that the game was not played

a second time.

Why was Joan’s idea insane, from the generals’ point of view, but

not from hers? Because her plan was to raise the siege

immediately, by fighting, while theirs was to besiege the besiegers

and starve them out by closing their communications–a plan

which would require months in the consummation.

The English had built a fence of strong fortresses called bastilles

around Orleans–fortresses which closed all the gates of the city

but one. To the French generals the idea of trying to fight their way

past those fortresses and lead the army into Orleans was

preposterous; they believed that the result would be the army’s

destruction. One may not doubt that their opinion was militarily

sound–no, would have been, but for one circumstance which they

overlooked. That was this: the English soldiers were in a

demoralized condition of superstitious terror; they had become

satisfied that the Maid was in league with Satan. By reason of this

a good deal of their courage had oozed out and vanished. On the

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Categories: Twain, Mark