Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

throned in the clouds and holding the world in His hand; two

angels knelt at His feet, presenting lilies; inscription, JESUS,

MARIA; on the reverse the crown of France supported by two


She also caused a smaller standard or pennon to be made, whereon

was represented an angel offering a lily to the Holy Virgin.

Everything was humming there at Tours. Every now and then one

heard the bray and crash of military music, every little while one

heard the measured tramp of marching men–squads of recruits

leaving for Blois; songs and shoutings and huzzas filled the air

night and day, the town was full of strangers, the streets and inns

were thronged, the bustle of preparation was everywhere, and

everybody carried a glad and cheerful face. Around Joan’s

headquarters a crowd of people was always massed, hoping for a

glimpse of the new General, and when they got it, they went wild;

but they seldom got it, for she was busy planning her campaign,

receiving reports, giving orders, despatching couriers, and giving

what odd moments she could spare to the companies of great folk

waiting in the drawing-rooms. As for us boys, we hardly saw her at

all, she was so occupied.

We were in a mixed state of mind–sometimes hopeful, sometimes

not; mostly not. She had not appointed her household yet–that was

our trouble. We knew she was being overrun with applications for

places in it, and that these applications were backed by great

names and weighty influence, whereas we had nothing of the sort

to recommend us. She could fill her humblest places with titled

folk–folk whose relationships would be a bulwark for her and a

valuable support at all times. In these circumstances would policy

allow her to consider us? We were not as cheerful as the rest of the

town, but were inclined to be depressed and worried. Sometimes

we discussed our slim chances and gave them as good an

appearance as we could. But the very mention of the subject was

anguish to the Paladin; for whereas we had some little hope, he

had none at all. As a rule No‰l Rainguesson was quite wiLa

Hireing to let the dismal matter alone; but not when the Paladin

was present. Once we were talking the thing over, when No‰l said:

“Cheer up, Paladin, I had a dream last night, and you were the only

one among us that got an appointment. It wasn’t a high one, but it

was an appointment, anyway–some kind of a lackey or

body-servant, or something of that kind.”

The Paladin roused up and looked almost cheerful; for he was a

believer in dreams, and in anything and everything of a

superstitious sort, in fact. He said, with a rising hopefulness:

“I wish it might come true. Do you think it will come true?”

“Certainly; I might almost say I know it will, for my dreams hardly

ever fail.”

“No‰l, I could hug you if that dream could come true, I could,

indeed! To be servant of the first General of France and have all

the world hear of it, and the news go back to the village and make

those gawks stare that always said I wouldn’t ever amount to

anything–wouldn’t it be great! Do you think it will come true,

No‰l? Don’t you believe it will?”

“I do. There’s my hand on it.”

“No‰l, if it comes true I’ll never forget you–shake again! I should

be dressed in a noble livery, and the news would go to the village,

and those animals would say, ‘Him, lackey to the General-in-Chief,

with the eyes of the whole world on him, admiring–well, he has

shot up into the sky now, hasn’t he!”

He began to walk the floor and pile castles in the air so fast and so

high that we could hardly keep up with him. Then all of a sudden

all the joy went out of his face and misery took its place, and he


“Oh, dear, it is all a mistake, it will never come true. I forgot that

foolish business at Toul. I have kept out of her sight as much as I

could, all these weeks, hoping she would forget that and forgive

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Categories: Twain, Mark