Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

The brothers brought the parents’ blessing and godspeed to Joan,

and their promise to bring it to her in person later; and so, with this

culminating happiness in her heart and the high hope it inspired,

she went and confronted the governor again. But he was no more

tractable than he had been before. He refused to send her to the

King. She was disappointed, but in no degree discouraged. She


“I must still come to you until I get the men-at-arms; for so it is

commanded, and I may not disobey. I must go to the Dauphin,

though I go on my knees.”

I and the two brothers were with Joan daily, to see the people that

came and hear what they said; and one day, sure enough, the Sieur

Jean de Metz came. He talked with her in a petting and playful

way, as one talks with children, and said:

“What are you doing here, my little maid? Will they drive the King

out of France, and shall we all turn English?”

She answered him in her tranquil, serious way:

“I am come to bid Robert de Baudricourt take or send me to the

King, but he does not heed my words.”

“Ah, you have an admirable persistence, truly; a whole year has

not turned you from your wish. I saw you when you came before.”

Joan said, as tranquilly as before:

“It is not a wish, it is a purpose. He will grant it. I can wait.”

“Ah, perhaps it will not be wise to make too sure of that, my child.

These governors are stubborn people to deal with. In case he shall

not grant your prayer–”

“He will grant it. He must. It is not a matter of choice.”

The gentleman’s playful mood began to disappear–one could see

that, by his face. Joan’s earnestness was affecting him. It always

happened that people who began in jest with her ended by being in

earnest. They soon began to perceive depths in her that they had

not suspected; and then her manifest sincerity and the rocklike

steadfastness of her convictions were forces which cowed levity,

and it could not maintain its self-respect in their presence. The

Sieur de Metz was thoughtful for a moment or two, then he began,

quite soberly:

“Is it necessary that you go to the King soon?–that is, I mean–”

“Before Mid-Lent, even though I wear away my legs to the knees!”

She said it with that sort of repressed fieriness that means so much

when a person’s heart is in a thing. You could see the response in

that nobleman’s face; you could see his eye light up; there was

sympathy there. He said, most earnestly:

“God knows I think you should have the men-at-arms, and that

somewhat would come of it. What is it that you would do? What is

your hope and purpose?”

“To rescue France. And it is appointed that I shall do it. For no one

else in the world, neither kings, nor dukes, no any other, can

recover the kingdom of France, and there is no help but in me.”

The words had a pleading and pathetic sound, and they touched

that good nobleman. I saw it plainly. Joan dropped her voice a

little, and said: “But indeed I would rather spin with my poor

mother, for this is not my calling; but I must go and do it, for it is

my Lord’s will.”

“Who is your Lord?”

“He is God.”

Then the Sieur de Metz, following the impressive old feudal

fashion, knelt and laid his hands within Joan’s in sign of fealty, and

made oath that by God’s help he himself would take her to the


The next day came the Sieur Bertrand de Poulengy, and he also

pledged his oath and knightly honor to abide with her and follower

witherosever she might lead.

This day, too, toward evening, a great rumor went flying abroad

through the town–namely, that the very governor himself was

going to visit the young girl in her humble lodgings. So in the

morning the streets and lanes were packed with people waiting to

see if this strange thing would indeed happen. And happen it did.

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Categories: Twain, Mark