Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

soldier above theirs, and extinguish the glory of their names with

its shadow.”

“Why, look here, my friend,” I said, “do you know that you have

hit out a most remarkable idea there? Do you realize the gigantic

proportions of it? For look you; to be a general of vast renown,

what is that? Nothing–history is clogged and confused with them;

one cannot keep their names in his memory, there are so many.

But a common soldier of supreme renown–why, he would stand

alone! He would the be one moon in a firmament of mustard-seed

stars; his name would outlast the human race! My friend, who gave

you that idea?”

He was ready to burst with happiness, but he suppressed betrayal

of it as well as he could. He simply waved the compliment aside

with his hand and said, with complacency:

“It is nothing. I have them often–ideas like that–and even greater

ones. I do not consider this one much.”

“You astonish me; you do, indeed. So it is really your own?”

“Quite. And there is plenty more where it came from”–tapping his

head with his finger, and taking occasion at the same time to cant

his morion over his right ear, which gave him a very self-satisfied

air–“I do not need to borrow my ideas, like No‰l Rainguesson.”

“Speaking of No‰l, when did you see him last?”

“Half an hour ago. He is sleeping yonder like a corpse. Rode with

us last night.”

I felt a great upleap in my heart, and said to myself, now I am at

rest and glad; I will never doubt her prophecies again. Then I said


“It gives me joy. It makes me proud of our village. There is not

keeping our lion-hearts at home in these great times, I see that.”

“Lion-heart! Who–that baby? Why, he begged like a dog to be let

off. Cried, and said he wanted to go to his mother. Him a

lion-heart!–that tumble-bug!”

“Dear me, why I supposed he volunteered, of course. Didn’t he?”

“Oh, yes, he volunteered the way people do to the headsman. Why,

when he found I was coming up from Domremy to volunteer, he

asked me to let him come along in my protection, and see the

crowds and the excitement. Well, we arrived and saw the torches

filing out at the Castle, and ran there, and the governor had him

seized, along with four more, and he begged to be let off, and I

begged for his place, and atg last the governor allowed me to join,

but wouldn’t let No‰l off, because he was disgusted with him, he

was such a cry-baby. Yes, and much good he’ll do the King’s

service; he’ll eat for six and run for sixteen. I hate a pygmy with

half a heart and nine stomachs!”

“Why, this is very surprising news to me, and I am sorry and

disappointed to hear it. I thought he was a very manly fellow.”

The Paladin gave me an outraged look, and said:

“I don’t see how you can talk like that, I’m sure I don’t. I don’t see

how you could have got such a notion. I don’t dislike him, and I’m

not saying these things out of prejudice, for I don’t allow myself to

have prejudices against people. I like him, and have always

comraded with him from the cradle, but he must allow me to speak

my mind about his faults, and I am willing he shall speak his about

mine, if I have any. And, true enough, maybe I have; but I reckon

they’ll bear inspection–I have that idea, anyway. A manly fellow!

You should have heard him whine and wail and swear, last night,

because the saddle hurt him. Why didn’t the saddle hurt me?

Pooh–I was as much at home in it as if I had been born there. And

yet it was the first time I was ever on a horse. All those old soldiers

admired my riding; they said they had never seen anything like it.

But him–why, they had to hold him on, all the time.”

An odor as of breakfast came stealing through the wood; the

Paladin unconsciously inflated his nostrils in lustful response, and

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Categories: Twain, Mark