Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

fired everybody’s patriotism away up high, and set all hearts to

thumping and all pulses to leaping; then, before anybody rightly

knew how the change was made, he was leading us a sublime

march through the ancient glories of France, and in fancy we saw

the titanic forms of the twelve paladins rise out of the mists of the

past and face their fate; we heard the tread of the innumerable

hosts sweeping down to shut them in; we saw this human tide flow

and ebb, ebb and flow, and waste away before that little band of

heroes; we saw each detail pass before us of that most stupendous,

most disastrous, yet most adored and glorious day in French

legendary history; here and there and yonder, across that vast field

of the dead and dying, we saw this and that and the other paladin

dealing his prodigious blows with weary arm and failing strength,

and one by one we saw them fall, till only one remained–he that

was without peer, he whose name gives name to the Song of

Songs, the song which no Frenchman can hear and keep his

feelings down and his pride of country cool; then, grandest and

pitifulest scene of all, we saw his own pathetic deat; and out

stillness, as we sat with parted lips and breathless, hanging upon

this man’s words, gave us a sense of the awful stillness that reigned

in that field of slaughter when that last surviving soul had passed.

And now, in this solemn hush, the stranger gave Joan a pat or two

on the head and said:

“Little maid–whom God keep!–you have brought me from death

to life this night; now listen: here is your reward,” and at that

supreme time for such a heart-melting, soul-rousing surprise,

without another word he lifted up the most noble and pathetic

voice that was ever heard, and began to pour out the great Song of


Think of that, with a French audience all stirred up and ready. Oh,

where was your spoken eloquence now! what was it to this! How

fine he looked, how stately, how inspired, as he stood there with

that mighty chant welling from his lips and his heart, his whole

body transfigured, and his rags along with it.

Everybody rose and stood while he sang, and their faces glowed

and their eyes burned; and the tears came and flowed don their

cheeks and their forms began to sway unconsciously to the swing

of the song, and their bosoms to heave and pant; and moanings

broke out, and deep ejaculations; and when the last verse was

reached, and Roland lay dying, all alone, with his face to the field

and to his slain, lying there in heaps and winrows, and took off and

held up his gauntlet to God with his failing hand, and breathed his

beautiful prayer with his paling pips, all burst out in sobs and

wailings. But when the final great note died out and the song was

done, they all flung themselves in a body at the singer, stark mad

with love of him and love of France and pride in her great deeds

and old renown, and smothered him with their embracings; but

Joan was there first, hugged close to his breast, and covering his

face with idolatrous kisses.

The storm raged on outside, but that was no matter; this was the

stranger’s home now, for as long as he might please.

Chapter 4 Joan Tames the Mad Man

ALL CHILDREN have nicknames, and we had ours. We got one

apiece early, and they stuck to us; but Joan was richer in this

matter, for, as time went on, she earned a second, and then a third,

and so on, and we gave them to her. First and last she had as many

as half a dozen. Several of these she never lost. Peasant-girls are

bashful naturally; but she surpassed the rule so far, and colored so

easily, and was so easily embarrassed in the presence of strangers,

that we nicknamed her the Bashful. We were all patriots, but she

was called the Patriot, because our warmest feeling for our country

was cold beside hers. Also she was called the Beautiful; and this

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Categories: Twain, Mark