Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

claim that the tongs are punishable for that? The question is

answered; I see by your faces that you would call such a claim

absurd. Now, why is it absurd? It is absurd because, there being no

reasoning faculty–that is to say, no faculty of personal

command–in a pair of togs, personal responsibility for the acts of

the tongs is wholly absent from the tongs; and, therefore,

responsibility being absent, punishment cannot ensue. Am I right?”

A hearty burst of applause was his answer. “Now, then, we arrive

at a man’s stomach. Consider how exactly, how marvelously,

indeed, its situation corresponds to that of a pair of tongs.

Listen–and take careful note, I beg you. Can a man’s stomach plan

a murder? No. Can it plan a theft? No. Can it plan an incendiary

fire? No. Now answer me–can a pair of tongs?” (There were

admiring shouts of “No!” and “The cases are just exact!” and

“Don’t he do it splendid!”) “Now, then, friends and neighbors, a

stomach which cannot plan a crime cannot be a principal in the

commission of it–that is plain, as you see. The matter is narrowed

down by that much; we will narrow it further. Can a stomach, of

its own motion, assist at a crime? The answer is no, because

command is absent, the reasoning faculty is absent, volition is

absent–as in the case of the tongs. We perceive now, do we not,

that the stomach is totally irresponsible for crimes committed,

either in whole or in part, by it?” He got a rousing cheer for

response. “Then what do we arrive at as our verdict? Clearly this:

that there is no such thing in this world as a guilty stomach; that in

the body of the veriest rascal resides a pure and innocent stomach;

that, whatever it’s owner may do, it at least should be sacred in our

eyes; and that while God gives us minds to think just and

charitable and honorable thoughts, it should be, and is, our

privilege, as well as our duty, not only to feed the hungry stomach

that resides in a rascal, having pity for its sorrow and its need, but

to do it gladly, gratefully, in recognition of its sturdy and loyal

maintenance of its purity and innocence in the midst of temptation

and in company so repugnant to its better feelings. I am done.”

Well, you never saw such an effect! They rose–the whole house

rose–an clapped, and cheered, and praised him to the skies; and

one after another, still clapping and shouting, they crowded

forward, some with moisture in their eyes, and wrung his hands,

and said such glorious things to him that he was clear overcome

with pride and happiness, and couldn’t say a word, for his voice

would have broken, sure. It was splendid to see; and everybody

said he had never come up to that speech in his life before, and

never could do it again. Eloquence is a power, there is no question

of that. Even old Jacques d’Arc was carried away, for once in his

life, and shouted out:

“It’s all right, Joan–give him the porridge!”

She was embarrassed, and did not seem to know what to say, and

so didn’t say anything. It was because she had given the man the

porridge long ago and he had already eaten it all up. When she was

asked why she had not waited until a decision was arrived at, she

said the man’s stomach was very hungry, and it would not have

been wise to wait, since she could not tell what the decision would

be. Now that was a good and thoughtful idea for a child.

The man was not a rascal at all. He was a very good fellow, only

he was out of luck, and surely that was no crime at that time in

France. Now that his stomach was proved to be innocent, it was

allowed to make itself at home; and as soon as it was well filled

and needed nothing more, the man unwound his tongue and turned

it loose, and it was really a noble one to go. He had been in the

wars for years, and the things he told and the way he told them

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Categories: Twain, Mark