Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

barber in his own high chair to represent the sham King; then he

told how the Court watched the Maid with intense interest and

suppressed merriment, expecting to see her fooled by the

deception and get herself swept permanently out of credit by the

storm of scornful laughter which would follow. He worked this

scene up till he got his house in a burning fever of excitement and

anticipation, then came his climax. Turning to the barber, he said:

“But mark you what she did. She gazed steadfastly upon that

sham’s villain face as I now gaze upon yourse–this being her noble

and simple attitude, just as I stand now–then turned she–thus–to

me, and stretching her arm out–so–and pointing with her finger,

she said, in that firm, calm tone which she was used to use in

directing the conduct of a battle, ‘Pluck me this false knave from

the throne!’ I, striding forward as I do now, took him by the collar

and lifted him out and held him aloft–thus–as it he had been but a

child.” (The house rose, shouting, stamping, and banging with their

flagons, and went fairly mad over this magnificent exhibition of

strength–and there was not the shadow of a laugh anywhere,

though the spectacle of the limp but proud barber hanging there in

the air like a puppy held by the scruff of its neck was a thing that

had nothing of solemnity about it.) “Then I set him down upon his

feet–thus– being minded to get him by a better hold and heave

him out of the window, but she bid me forbear, so by that error he

escaped with his life.

“Then she turned her about and viewed the throng with those eyes

of hers, which are the clear-shining windows whence her immortal

wisdom looketh out upon the world, resolving its falsities and

coming at the kernel of truth that is hid within them, and presently

they fell upon a young man modestly clothed, and him she

proclaimed for what he truly was, saying, ‘I am thy servant–thou

art the King!’ Then all were astonished, and a great shout went up,

the whole six thousand joining in it, so that the walls rocked with

the volume and the tumult of it.”

He made a fine and picturesque thing of the march-out from the

Audience, augmenting the glories of it to the last limit of the

impossibilities; then he took from his finger and held up a brass

nut from a bolt-head which the head ostler at the castle had given

him that morning, and made his conclusion–thus:

“Then the King dismissed the Maid most graciously–as indeed

was her desert–and, turning to me, said, ‘Take this signet-ring, son

of the Paladins, and command me with it in your day of need; and

look you,’ said he, touching my temple, ‘preserve this brain, France

has use for it; and look well to its casket also, for I foresee that it

will be hooped with a ducal coronet one day.’ I took the ring, and

knelt and kissed his hand, saying, ‘Sire, where glory calls, there

will I be found; where danger and death are thickest, that is my

native air; when France and the throne need help–well, I say

nothing, for I am not of the talking sort–let my deeds speak for

me, it is all I ask.’

“So ended the most fortunate and memorable episode, so big with

future weal for the crown and the nation, and unto God be the

thanks! Rise! Fill you flagons! Now–to France and the


They emptied them to the bottom, then burst into cheers and

huzzas, and kept it up as much as two minutes, the Paladin

standing at stately ease the while and smiling benignantly from his


Chapter 8 Joan Persuades Her Inquisitors

WHEN JOAN told the King what that deep secret was that was

torturing his heart, his doubts were cleared away; he believed she

was sent of God, and if he had been let alone he would have set

her upon her great mission at once. But he was not let alone.

Tremouille and the holy fox of Rheims knew their man. All they

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Categories: Twain, Mark