Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

and as he did so he felt the cords at his wrist tear and snap. He wrenched his

arms around, pain blazing up from his wrists, and caught Strasser’s open coat,

clutched it, heaved, the panic and terror that was flooding through his system

at the thought of that insect more than enough to send the gaunt man crashing

into Kelber’s legs. Kelber disappeared from view and Ryan smashed a fist into

Strasser’s gut, deep, powering it in, before pulling himself away and staggering

to his feet. Only a grab away from him, a handgun lay in the mud. As he reached

for it and held it, the thought flared through his brain that there was probably

mud up the blasted barrel, but he was past caring.

He swiveled, firing at Strasser as he swung, and Strasser was flung back,

winged, the bullet skinning one shoulder. He hit the mud, slid, scrabbled

sideways on his knees and one arm like some ungainly spider that had lost some

of its legs. He was soaked to the skin, filthy with mud. His teeth were bared,

his eyes blazing with hate and fury at what he’d lost.

Ryan advanced two steps, the automatic in his right hand, his body aching and

his head throbbing. His teeth, too, were bared, but in a terrible grin of


Strasser croaked, “Bastard! All that hardware! You must be insane!”

“Just wary of crazies like you, Strasser,” Ryan said, his voice icy. “There are

self-destruct mechanisms throughout the fleet. In every truck and land wag and

buggy, automatically running if a switch is not thrown every hour, or as soon as

a vehicle is safety locked from the inside on a four-hour fuse. If there’s no

one there to throw that switch—or if there is, but they’re all dead—bang!”

He was aware of Kelber close to him on his left. He seemed to be having

difficulty getting up, or so it appeared. He was on his knees, both hands to his

throat, making ghastly gobbling noises. One hand went out to Strasser. It looked

as though he was pleading, begging Strasser for mercy. His eyes were almost

popping out of his head and Ryan could see the whites of them clearly.

The beetle, he thought—what the hell happened to the beetle when I banged

Strasser into him?

And then he laughed out loud, a harsh and chilling sound even to him. So perish

the wicked, he thought.

“Your friend. I think he swallowed the beetle.”

Kelber, still on his knees, scrambled toward Strasser, pleading, imploring. Ryan

couldn’t imagine why—Kelber ought to know by now there was no help there, no

pity in the gaunt man—but he could imagine those tusklike mandibles sinking into

gullet flesh so determinedly that no amount of hawking and gagging would clear

the filthy little bastard out. The hell with the pair of them, he thought, and

fired at Strasser.

No sound but a metallic click.

No round.

He realized it was Strasser’s gun and the eight-clip had been all used up. He

hurled the weapon at Strasser, and the heavy automatic struck the gaunt man full

in the mouth. Strasser squealed, fell back, spitting blood and bits of tooth.

Ryan made to jump for him but Strasser was back on his feet again, sprinting

away, clutching his shoulder, his long legs stabbing at the ground, boots

splashing into puddles.

At that moment Kelber gave forth a high-pitched bubbling wail of pain and terror

and stark, beyond-the-last-ditch horror. He pitched sideways, still screaming,

and Ryan saw black blood welling up out of his mouth like dark chocolate. Kelber

lay on his back, his body twisting and writhing, his legs kicking in the air.

His screams died sloppily as he began to drown in his own blood.

Ryan flung himself around and jumped for the short ladder to the door, knowing

that the seconds were clicking away, nearer and nearer to a total wipeout. He

wrenched open the door and fell inside. There was a faint and musty smell to the

interior. He felt a prickling at the back of his throat, but nothing more. He

yanked the door shut, on personal full-auto now, sheer survival the only

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Categories: James Axler