Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

crawled up steep precipices as an enjoyable relaxation.

He said, “What we gonna do, Scale?”

Scale, still gripping his piece, muttered, “Gonna fuck me the red-hair.”

The long-armed man shot a startled glance at his leader. Had he heard right? The

noise and clatter of the speeding truck was not good for conversation but the

long-armed man could usually get the gist of something that was not yelled at

him. He could have sworn that Scale had said something about fucking the

red-haired girl. But that couldn’t be right. There were priorities, for God’s




“What we gonna do? Them buggies bound to find us. They’re gonna cream us.”

Scale’s head jerked around, his thick-lipped mouth gaping, his eyes wide and

crazy, the gun in his hands suddenly jammed into the side of the long-armed

man’s head.

He shouted, “So you do what you wanna do! I’m gonna get me the red-haired


The long-armed man slewed the truck to the right and into a narrow bush-lined

tunnel. The vegetation all around them was parched, but it was still alive; it

seemed able to survive, just, in this hostile environment, fed perhaps by the

tiny trickles of water that still infiltrated the earth from off the hills.

There were no birds in the valley and the long-armed man had never seen any

animals. Anything on four legs automatically got eaten. Just about anything on

two, as well.

The truck shot out of the tree-lined avenue and the long-armed man swung the

wheel and skidded around into what had once been a blacktopped parking lot next

to a ruined building that, a century ago, had been a shop selling guns and

fishing tackle. A weather-faded signboard was fixed to the facing wall on which

the words McPartland Brothers could just be discerned, if there had been anybody

there who could actually have read them.

But this was a decaying ville; the art of reading had long departed it. The

roofs of cabins were holed, although that didn’t matter much since rain was no

problem in this part of the Deathlands. Walls of some of the shacks sagged,

unmended. Others had no walls at all, were simply wood frames with rotting bits

of blanket draped around them, or tarps, or old animal hides brought from

elsewhere when Scale had discovered the place and moved his band in. Maybe a few

human hides, too. Smoke drifted from some of the chimneys.

The lake lay a few hundred meters to the north, most of it parched, just cracked

mud now, the dark water far away toward the center. Across the other side the

hills rose up sheer, a frowning, gloomy mass of peaks that brooded over the


Sluttish women in filthy robes wandered toward the truck, most of them at some

stage of pregnancy or other, although childbirth here was even less of a problem

than the rain. Most of the babies were stillborn. Those that survived were

usually sickly and weak, with a variety of ugly ailments and, often, limbs where

no limbs were supposed to be. There were some healthier-looking children but

these, without exception, were what remained from various land wag trains once

the adults had been massacred. Scale saved the females, if they were young and

looked strong, kept them as a kind of harem until he grew tired of them, when he

tossed them to the men. And if the women thought they got it bad from Scale,

they got it a hundred times worse from the men—usually a hundred times at a


The long-armed man brought the truck to a halt and shivered. Most of those

hundred men were dead now, those in the two trucks probably all that were left.

Maybe a dozen men, unless there were a few stragglers in the tunnels still, or

hiding out in the rocks above the highway. Hellblast it, he thought, the women

outnumber us.

He said, “The stickies, Scale. What we gonna…”

Scale jabbed at him with the automatic rifle.



“Scale, I’m your wheelman! They’ll kill me, they’ll suck me apart.”

Scale was smirking, licking his rubbery lips.

“I’ll get me another wheelman. Out.”

Completely over the edge, thought the long-armed man wildly. He was suddenly

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Categories: James Axler