Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

two-lane blacktop.

Ryan adjusted the focusing screw, turning the milled edge until the faces of

their attackers swam into sharp detail. He saw the usual brutish, vulpine

expressions that he knew from Baronies and communes all over the Deathlands.

Small men with a taste for cruelty.

He ranged along the line, stopping at one of the sec men who pushed through to

the front.

“Strasser,” he breathed.

The high-definition, directional mikes at the back of the war wag were out of

action, but he did not need them to know what Strasser was shouting after them.

The whole set of the man’s body told it all.

The gaunt body, taller than any of his men, agitated with anger. As Ryan watched

him, Strasser pulled off the visored cap and threw it in the mud, kicking it

with his boots. Rain glistened on the bald skull, trickling over the thin

cheeks, into the host of a mustache. Ryan grinned with wolfish satisfaction as

he saw there was still blood clotted around the police chief’s mouth where the

thrown pistol had struck him.

Strasser was shaking his fist at them. Far behind him, in the fast-brightening

dawn, Ryan could make out a monstrous column of greasy smoke rising from the

tomb of Jordon Teague.

The ruined tomb of Mocsin.

AS THEY DROVE STEADILY toward a kind of safety, the Trader took to his bunk once

more, the rush from the action leaving him drained and sallow. Ryan organized

the crew into their usual rotas, as far as was possible with their shrunken

force. Only then did he find a quiet spot and sit down to relax. After a while

Hunaker came to join him.

“Have a word, Ryan?”

“Yeah. What?”

The woman seemed oddly ill at ease, rubbing her cropped green hair, adjusting

the slim-bladed knife on her hip.

“Come on, Hun. What’s got you? Still feelin’ for Ange?”

“No. Well, some I guess. She was a sweet kid and I figured we might… Oh, burn

all that, Ryan, it’s over and out. That’s not what…”


“When we was back in Mocsin, me and Sam an’ Koll an’ J.B. was talkin’ and we—”

“Hun. You want me to pull your helldamned liver up through your neck?”

“No. Why d’you—”

“I’m tired. Just say it.”

“Sure.” With a rush, like a swimmer entering cold water. “We was talkin’ ’bout

you and we thought nobody knows what your name is. Ryan. Just Ryan. Got to be

another name. Not even J.B. knew it.”

Ryan grinned at her. “That all?”

“Yeah. You don’t mind me askin’ like this?”

“No. Why should I? It’s Cawdor. Ryan Cawdor. Not a secret, Hun.”

“Ryan Cawdor. That’s not too special, is it? So how come you never told nobody


“I guess because nobody ever asked me before.”

They smiled at each other, a look passing between them that held a certain kind

of gentleness as War Wag One, now the only war wag, ground deeper into the


Chapter Thirteen


The flight from the blazing carnage of Mocsin and the horrible death of his only

friend, Fishmouth Charlie, finally and irrevocably tipped the balance of his

mind into madness. The war wag’s medic, Kathy, did what she could, loading him

with sleepers, but it was obvious that the shrieking had taken him over.

“Claws an’ teeth! Claws an’ teeth!”

Over and over and over again, even when the drugs were shutting down the lines.

Even when his eyes were closed and his pulse had eased, still the peeled lips

kept moving. The charred skin of the face twitched as though worms crawled

through the muscles around his mouth. Always the same. Always about the fog that

he’d seen, long months back, on his terrible journey into the peaked wilderness.

“Claws an’ teeth.”

The two-lane blacktop had given way to the broken and weed-infested concrete of

a wider highway. It made for generally better motoring for the war wag, enabling

Ches or Hunaker to drive on at a steady pace. All the doors were open and clean

air flowed through the vehicle, purging it of the stench of sweat and death.

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Categories: James Axler