Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

Scale shook his head.

“You take it, Burt. You and Koll. Get outta here fast and warn the camp we’re

shiftin’. We’ll hold the norms off and kill those buggy riders.”

The man with the drooping nose made an O with his forefinger and thumb.

“Yeah, Scale. You get us some fresh norm meat, huh?”

“I’ll get us some fresh norm meat,” muttered Scale, his tone colorless, his eyes


He jammed open the passenger door of the nearest truck and climbed in. The man

with the long arms jumped into the driver’s seat, sweating, not looking at his

leader. He said in a low voice, “Smart, Scale. Take the heat off us.”

Scale did not bother to reply as the jeep in front started up, revved hard,

roared away in a swirl of dust, its sound like a heavy MG jabbering, its muffler

long gone. The long-armed man eased the panel truck slowly toward the cave

entrance. He braked just inside the opening, then jumped out and ran to the

boulder-screened edge of the track.

In the distance the jeep was already at the bottom of the short hill and was now

bumping and jouncing along the track at high speed. Farther on was a bend to the

right, into the hills. That was where another track, from the road below, joined

it. The long-armed man watched as the jeep powered along the straight to hit the

bend at speed. It screeched out of sight. The long-armed man turned his eyes to

the road below, and for the first time in a long while a gap-toothed smile

creased his face.

The lead buggy had clearly spotted the jeep. It was way beyond the feeder track,

but suddenly its driver threw her into reverse and stormed back along the road.

Then the driver hit the brakes and dust clouded. He geared up, yanked hard at

the wheel, trod on the gas again and the buggy, engine howling, roared up the

high-incline track.

The long-armed man dodged back into boulder cover as the little vehicle appeared

at the top of the track and hurtled out of sight after the jeep. Another buggy

followed. The long-armed man frowned: one was okay, two was not so hot. He kept

his eyes on the track but no more buggies appeared. He couldn’t hear any more

engine roar through the heavy chatter of MG- and auto-fire still ripping out


He plodded back to the truck, hauled himself in.

“Two of them ‘stead of one.”

“We can hit ’em.”

Scale sounded supremely confident, utterly sure of himself, and the long-armed

man shuddered silently. He drove fast but warily. While on the parallel track he

kept glancing to his left, down to the road below, to see if he could catch any

sign that someone down there had spotted them. But it looked as if luck—or some

damn thing— was on their side. Someone down there had let off a smoke grenade

and that, together with all the dust and shit that was still being kicked up,

had dragged an obscuring pall over the proceedings.

He swung right, checked out the rearview mirror. The second truck was on their

tail but not too close. He began to feel relief seeping through him. Maybe they

were going to make it, out of this one alive, after all.

His thoughts turned suddenly to the red-haired girl. She was certainly one sweet

receptacle for his meat! After Scale was done with her, of course. Always after

Scale. The long-armed man felt no resentment.toward his leader in this or any

other matter. Scale was one strong hombre and he went first in all things, and

the long-armed man was perfectly content to remain in his shadow. He was not


He flicked back to Red Hair. Man, that was going to be something— He felt

himself stiffen as he thought about her. He wondered idly why there’d been no

other women on that two-wag train—the one they’d hit and mauled the crap out of

yesterday. Kind of weird, that was; he couldn’t figure it out at all. Young,

too, and that was weird as well, because all the others had been oldies. Dead

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Categories: James Axler