Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

the Earth was tormented into giving birth to an entirely new coastline.

Months before, Soviet “earthshaker” bombs had been seeded by subs along fault-

and fracture-lines in the Pacific. Now these were detonated. At the same time

the Cascades, from Mount Garibaldi in British Columbia down to Lassen Peak in

California—that highly unstable stretch of the “Ring of Fire” that encircles the

Pacific— were showered with ICBMs and sub-launched missiles. The earth heaved

and bucked and burst apart with a succession of cataclysmic shocks. The volcanos

from Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helen’s in the north to Mount Shasta in the

south, and beyond, blew their stacks. Rock and magma blasted into the sky. Huge

rifts tore into the mountains, thrusting deep into the heart of the Cascades.

Vast areas of land and mountain lurched downward massively and the gap between

the Cascades and the Sierra Nevada was breached, the Pacific Ocean boiling

through in spuming waves a mile high.

Within minutes the hugely populated coastal strip from San Francisco to San

Diego had gone, as though it had never existed. The Black Rock Desert was

suddenly an inland sea with mountain peaks as islands. The mighty tremors, the

colossal underground explosions, bucketed on down the fragile chain. Death

Valley, the Mojave and Colorado Deserts were inundated. Baja, California, racked

and tortured by the stupendous quake spasms, literally snapped off, fragmenting

westward, disappearing beneath the churning waves. The Pacific lashed at the

foothills of the Sierra Madre.

Here, the volcanic explosions went on for some years. Elsewhere there was only


IT LASTED FOR A GENERATION. The Nuclear Winter. Far worse than some had argued;

not as horrific as others had theorized.

There were, of course, survivors. The world was not destroyed, only a way of

life. The global population was cut down to perhaps one-fifth of what it had

been. The ecosystems were utterly disrupted. The climate was transformed.

In what had once been North America, the survivors struggled to survive a new

dark age of plague, radiation sickness, barbarism and madness. There were days

of seemingly endless night, eerily lit by fires in the sky. Pyrotoxin smogs

blanketed the earth. Temperatures dropped to freezing and below. Peat marshes,

coal seams, oil wells smoldered and flared fitfully. Toxic rain from soot-choked

clouds lashed the land. Billions of corpses decayed and rotted, became as one

with the poisoned earth.

Slowly, over the years, the survivors dragged themselves out of caves and

bunkers and began to look around them, began to think, as humankind has a habit

of doing, that things were pretty goddamned lousy, but not, perhaps, as

goddamned lousy as they might have been. Such is the unquenchable human spirit,

with its seemingly ingrained philosophy of make do and mend.

Who knows how language survived, but it did, in all its variety. Not only the

language of science, of mechanical things and weaponry, but also of prayer, of

inspiration, most especially of curses. Concepts of measurement—the shape of

time and space—and tattered theories of agriculture, transportation and the

strategies of war managed to prevail quite well through the ravages of endless

social collapse. Rituals of sex and a taste for organized crime still echoed in

one form or another down the years, as did an appreciation of the self, an

understanding about mirrors and the search for the superior person. Literature

and moral philosophy suffered horribly, history became garbled and formal

schooling and worship were lost causes, but throughout the new wastelands

glimmered determined traces of intellectual, psychological and emotional human

growth, thrusting up from the rubble like wild-flowers, though inevitably

mutated. And usually, of course, for the worse—usually in the most terrible form


There were still roads. No amount of nuking can destroy every road in the entire

world. There were still buildings standing. No amount of nuking can destroy

every building in the entire world. Lines of communication and dwelling places;

that was a start. And the survivors built from that.

There were still animals on which one could ride, and which would pull wheeled

vehicles. Then people discovered that, with a certain amount of ingenuity, they

could adapt certain large vehicles so they were driven by steam. That was a

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Categories: James Axler