Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

except from above. Another idea of Dix’s: it enabled a war wag commander under

ground attack to slide men up unseen into sniping positions. On each side of the

roof, maybe less than a meter in from the edge, were clamped two long metal rods

running the length of the vehicle—on the face of it a stupid piece of

construction since it allowed attackers climbing up the sides an easy handhold

to enable them to pull themselves on to the roof, where a surprise awaited them.

Ryan crawled to the rear, hearing Hooley follow him. Lint would stay in the

ladder well, rifle ready.

He reached the end of the roof and stared down at Truck One below him.

Truck One was a big trailer rig, its rear end converted in a very special, but

unobtrusive, way. Truck One always followed the Trader’s war wag in convoy:

Strict Rule A. Strict Rule B was that it closed up tight to the war wag whenever

the convoy stopped anywhere. Real tight. Strict Rule C was that Truck Two always

pulled well back from One, giving it plenty of space at the rear.

Just in case…

Ryan grinned a feral grin. The jump from here was an easy one, no more than a

couple of steps. And once he’d landed it would not take two seconds before he’d

be sliding through the instantly opened hatch above the rig’s cab to drop into

the interior.

Still smiling, Ryan edged himself over the lip of the gully and began to crawl

across the flat roof toward the port side of the vehicle. He wanted to get a

better look at the roadside, see if there was much congregating going on below.

He had an idea there probably was. He half turned his head to check back on

Hooley, but the guy was still in the gully.

He looked back front again—and the smile froze on his face as a head popped into

view only meters away.

A head out of a nightmare.

Huge eyes, two tiny nostrils in a moist, flabby flesh, no mouth, no ears.


Four fleshy suckers slapped suddenly onto the roof edge, squishing tight. A

squealing snort of rage erupted from the nostrils. Another suckered hand whipped

up and around, shot toward Ryan’s face with the velocity of a striking snake.

A sticky.

A severely mutated being with sucker pads for fingers and toes with which it

could cling to any surface like a leech so tenaciously that it required main

force to pull them off; even in death there was little relaxation. Once those

fingers smacked onto flesh and exuded their glutinous ooze there was little

chance of being able to tear them off.

Ryan had once seen a man attacked by a sticky. The guy hadn’t known what hit

him. The creature had kneed him, clutched him around the throat left-handed,

grabbed his face with the right. The finger pads had slapped home, then

retracted, taking the man’s face with them, the flesh literally suctioned off

the bone in bloody, doughy strips as though the sticky was tugging his hand out

of red molasses. Eyeballs had popped. Faceless, the man had collapsed shrieking

to the ground.

Bullets hurt them, a heart or head shot could finish them, a razor-keen blade

could sure mess them around more than somewhat, but otherwise their wet, rubbery

flesh seemed able to absorb the heaviest punishment. And in a battle situation

they were like beings possessed.

No one seemed to know where the hell they came from, how they’d mutated. No one

could even figure out quite what bizarre combination of genetic malfunctions had

created them in the first place. The first sticky that Ryan had seen, a couple

of years back, had been in a traveling carny, a weird and horrifying collection

of freaks and savagely mutated beings that rode around the Deathlands ramrodded

by a fat ringmaster called Gert Wolfram, something of a freak himself as he

weighed well over one hundred and fifty kilos and had to be carried everywhere

in a special construction chair born by six giants. The sticky’s act had

consisted of walking up and down high walls, no hands, and pulling the heads off

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Categories: James Axler