Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

reeled away, crying like a scalded kitten, Hun used her own broad-bladed dagger

to slit his throat. Blood from the jugular pattered onto the concrete floor,

making it slick and treacherous.

Krysty ducked and weaved against a taller Indian, her hair seeming to foam back

and forth in the man’s face, blinding him. But she did not carry a long-bladed

knife, and she was in desperate trouble. Meanwhile Ryan punched a grinning face,

knocking it away from him, and raised the panga as he closed on Krysty’s


The impact jarred Ryan’s arm. But the steel was honed enough and weighted enough

to hack clean through the skin and flesh and bone of the neck. The head, eyes

staring, tongue moving, rolled and bounced among the fighters’ feet, while the

body gradually slumped to the floor as though reluctant to submit to death.

“Thanks,” she panted, trying to back away to join Doc near the door through to

the gateway.


Henn was staggering, blood streaming from a cut along the side of his thigh,

with Finnegan holding off a pair of the Indians, each armed with a triangular


“Make for the door!” Ryan yelled, going to help Finnegan cover Henn’s retreat.

Hun got there first, stabbing the nearest of the attackers so hard that the

steel snapped and she withdrew only the hilt, grinning at the shocked and

puzzled expression on the bronzed face of the man she had just killed.

Doc, Krysty, Henn and Finnegan were through into the anteroom, watching

anxiously as their friends still battled on. Nine or ten of the Indians were

down, dying or dead. But four more had come in, two armed with bows and arrows.

“Back!” shouted Ryan again, pushing Hunaker in front of him, parrying a lunge

from a feather-tipped spear, turning and spilling the man’s guts in loops of

greasy intestine around his feet.

Okie stood, legs braced, to one side of the doorway, the M-16 steady in her

hands, waiting a chance to open fire at the enemy without harming the electrical

equipment in its serried banks.

J.B. followed Hun through, then Ryan was in the doorway, tapping Okie on the

arm. At the far end of the control room, more of the Sioux came pouring in,

screaming and shouting. An arrow hit the wall at Ryan’s side, and he snapped off

a 3-round burst at the man who had loosed it. The rounds kicked the man onto his

back, knocking others over with the violence of his dying.

Another arrow clipped Okie’s right shoulder, pinning her to the wall by the

material of her jacket. “Bastard!” she hissed, reaching and snapping the shaft

of the arrow, and throwing it contemptuously on the concrete. Then she ripped in

half the man who had wounded her. His body jerked and danced, held up by the

force of the bullets that stitched him apart. As she took her finger off the

trigger he fell sideways, crashing into one of the consoles, where sparks flew

and a siren began to howl deep in the recesses of the Redoubt.

“That screws it,” hissed Ryan, grabbing Okie and pulling her after him. There

wasn’t time to close the intervening door. The rest of them were already in the

glass-walled chamber, beckoning to Ryan.

More arrows sliced by them, one plucking at the hem of his coat. J.B. yelled for

them all to get down. The armored door began to close the moment they were all


Ryan was last. A final shaft missed his left elbow by a hairsbreadth, hitting

the control panel to the gateway, splintering one of the numbered buttons,

breaking the plastic cover, revealing all the mass of tangled multicolored

wiring beneath. As the door closed, Ryan’s last glimpse of the Redoubt in the

Darks was a worm of smoke inching from the damaged control.

An arrow pinged against the glass, but the thick plate held fast. The fog rose

about them and the metal disks glowed brightly. Ryan felt himself being sucked

into the maelstrom and fought against losing consciousness. But the physical

disturbance was too severe, and the darkness swamped his mind.


As before, his seven comrades were lying all around him. J.B.’s glasses had

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Categories: James Axler