Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

wooden pallets. “Somethin’ here,” he called.

“Old stores. Left behind,” said Doc.

Ryan beckoned for Krysty and J.B. to follow him, leaving the others immediately

outside; there was no obvious danger of a fight, and they would give warning of

any attackers. It was a corridor with a rounded ceiling, made of rows of

stressed metal ribs. On the right were dozens of stacked boxes, with a few more

piled loosely on the other side. At the farthest end he could see the red and

silver of the sky, patched with purple chem clouds; the end of the cave was open

to the world. Some of the boxes had been opened, and Ryan and J.B. began to

investigate. Krysty walked to the opening, less than fifty paces away.

“Blasters,” said J.B., sitting on one of the containers, peering at a bizarre

weapon by his feet. It was like a large pistol with a massive ammunition drum

that had chambers for a dozen rounds.

“What the hell does that fire?” asked Ryan.

“Seen a pic of one. Colt M2-0-7,40 mm gren launcher. Twelve different grenades.

Laser sight and high-low propulsion system. I might come back for it once we’ve

scouted around.”

Ryan had taken a gun from its box, wiping the grease off on the sleeve of his

long, fur-trimmed coat. “Nice. Close assault blaster, Heckler & Koch 12-gauge

scattergun. Night scope and image intensifier. Be good ‘gainst stickies in the

dark.” Reluctantly he laid it back in its box. “Yeah, might take some of these

babies on the way out. If we get out.”

Krysty appeared cat-footed at his side, her hair reflecting the fiery brightness

of the sky behind her. “Not gettin’ out that way. Land slip’s taken off the edge

of the whole mountain. Clean as a knife. Drops clean down to the gorge, and

that’s a long way. Not a hope.”

They turned away from the small Stockpile and rejoined the others in the

corridor. Ryan told them briefly what they’d found and that there was no way


“I believe I had already mentioned that probability, Mr. Cawdor,” Doc said with

a grin.

Ryan ignored him. “Let’s go.”

They retraced their steps, and Henn moaned about carrying the radio.

“If we ain’t usin’ it, then why in blazing shit am I humpin’ it on?”

Finnegan patted the tall black man on the backside. “Ice your asshole, Hennings.

You got the radio and I got my big gut to carry.”

The other branch of the corridor went a couple of hundred paces, then forked

like a sidewinder’s tongue. The lights had failed in the one end but burned

brightly from the roof along to the right. “That way,” said Ryan, leading the


As they went, they checked off all the rooms, on the chance that one of them

might contain some clue, some indication of what had happened in this place.

Hun picked up a torn piece of card tucked in behind one of the plastic doors.

Holding it up to the light, she read the faint pencil lettering.

“Forty-Niners over the Dolphins, twenty-four to twenty-one,” she read. “Now what

the scorch was that? Some kind of firefight casualties?”

She tucked the scrap of paper in a pocket of her overalls.

The corridor ended abruptly. A door of vanadium-type steel ran ceiling to floor,

its surface polished and gleaming, throwing back their own reflections as if it

mocked them. There was no sign of any lock or control, just smooth walls on

either side.

“Try that other way. Where the lights had gone out,” suggested Hunaker.

Doc waved a careless hand. “Waste of time, my emerald-locked elfling. That

corridor curls all the way around the Redoubt complex and returns behind that

rockfall. There is nothing there.”

“Just how d’you know all this, Doc?” asked J.B. “Maybe this is the place and

time to tell us.”

Doc’s cunning eyes turned to J.B. “This is a place and a time, sir. But not the

time or the place. When that might be, I do not know. It is beyond my control.”

“You knew about the main door to the Redoubt. How about this one?” asked Ryan.

Casually he allowed the barrel of his gun to move toward the old man.

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Categories: James Axler