Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

them both into something akin to chickens with their heads lopped off. They

dived in front of the two sec men, yelling in a frenzy. One tripped on a rug,

the other tumbled over her. Ryan swore and dived to one side as a sec man, quick

off the mark, unslung his piece and fired what must have been half a mag in his

direction, the rounds flaying the thick curtains behind into wildly flapping

cloth shreds. Ryan was firing the LAPA, its butt smacking into his pelvis, but

his aim was wild and rounds hammered into the mirrors behind the pyramid, the

glass exploding into a million flying shards.

Hunaker hadn’t fired at all. She was rolling across the floor toward the wall in

a desperate scramble as bullets from the second guy tore air above her head. She

was now regretting that she hadn’t jumped into this one with a piece—engineered,

as this particular piece was, so it fired only in the fully automatic mode—that

did not have the ferocious blast power of the MAC, which was fine for blazing

out whole groups of targets with a light squeeze of the trigger but lousy when

it came to the one-man job, and especially lousy when that one man was

surrounded by others you did not want to hit. Sometimes, she thought as she let

the machine-pistol go and dragged an H&K P-7 from inside her jacket, you could

be over overconfident.

She rolled fast and scrambled around onto her stomach, fast-sighting as her head

rose from the rug, and the compact snug-gripped P-7 barked twice, the first

round missing her man by mere centimeters, the second, because of hand quiver on

the roll, whipping at his coat. He yelped, jumped to his left, stumbled and

fell, a third bullet from the P-7 tearing air where he’d just been. He rolled,

too, and took a dive like a sprinter off the block into the comparatively calmer

waters on the other side of the pyramid, joined a half second later by his

companion, who’d had the same idea.

That idea was not to face up to Ryan and Hunaker at all but get the hell out of

the room in one piece by diving through the still-open mirror door through which

they’d arrived.

Except Ryan was ahead of them. Where he was he could not hit them, either of

them, but the door itself was another matter. He sent three rounds into it,

smashing the glass into a wild kaleidoscope of candle-reflected glitter and

punching the door into its frame.

It was a standoff. Neither Ryan nor Hunaker had a direct bead on the two goons,

who were now crouched behind the pyramid. On the other hand Ryan, from where he

was positioned, could destroy anyone who tried to make for that doorway. The two

goons were in a slightly better state, although only very slightly. They at

least could snipe if they’d a mind to, or poke their pieces up and over the

nearest step treads and blaze off in the general direction of their targets. And

by doing that they could at least stop Ryan and Hunaker rushing them from the

other side.

Ryan bared his teeth in an icy grin as he stared at the reflection of the two

men, one of whom was staring back. Their eyes met. The goon wasn’t grinning. He

looked as though his bowels were about ready to go. That did not, however, make

him any less dangerous.

Ryan’s gaze roved. The two women were now trying to burrow under the rugs,

shrieking and yelling in total-flap hysteria. The old guy called Doc seemed to

have disappeared. Ryan couldn’t see him anywhere, had not caught his bolt route.

Probably he’d managed to flee through that door. Pity. Ryan would like to have

talked to him. He’d seemed a wreck—not surprising if, as it appeared, he was

some kind of… well, court jester or scapegoat for Teague and Strasser—but he had

not seemed completely off his head, which made all that stuff he’d been gabbling

about mildly attention grabbing. Or perhaps rather more than mildly attention

grabbing. Where had Teague picked him up? He’d not been around two years back.

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Categories: James Axler