10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

“I note, sir,” he said with disapproval that was only partly feigned, “you were not amused by the plight of Captain Stong Is one to take it that it was because you are unfamiliar with crucial references therein, as to the S’danzo curse and legendary Mizraith’s skill as an enchanter^ You have the air of a far-traveled man, not acquainted with the ways and notables of Sanctuary.”

Klikitagh stirred, and for the first time uttered more than a discourte- ous grunt; he had not even expressed thanks for the generous repast that had been set before him

“No, sir,” he returned “Is because in part I can not well to understand your saying “

Hmm’ That aroused Melilot’s professional instincts What could this fellow’s native language be7 The accent was none that he recognized, nor was the curious turn of phrasing Mayhap Klikitagh was literate in some language lacking from the list posted at the door of his scriptorium, though that was longer by three, possibly four, than the best his rivals had to oner If only to learn how to recognize a script he hadn’t run across before, it would be worth his while to pick the stranger’s brains

Before Melilot could formulate any proposal, however, the other had gone on

“And in other bigger part because is not a matter for make jest, a curse Speak as pitiably victim knowing well from agony anti-justice, cruelness, of making curse against mnocency man, me, self”

That emphatic addition occurs in Yemzed, but never at the end of a sentence . . Oh, I’m really on to something here’ Excited, Melilot beck- oned the girl back from her corner to pour still more wine

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Categories: Asprin, Robert