10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

Then the spellwright sent Wintsenay to pass the word; Strick needed to see Hanse.

Kadakithis paid the Price. That same Fourday afternoon he received word that Taya had fled the palace.

Shupansea was amused: “Well after all, she came here as your concu- bine, my love. And, however pampered, she’s had nothing to do for a long, long while now!” Then: “On the other hand, I would recom- mend-“

“Never mind,” Kadakithis said with cool decisiveness. “I have already decided to take no action whatsoever. This cannot reflect badly on me, but will serve as further proof of how truly you and I love each other.”

Shu-sea blinked. “Well. How very clever-no, how very intelligent of you, my love!”

Yes, he thought. And the point is, this is obviously the Price I must pay for Strick’s help. even if it costs me face.

An hour later a bank messenger arrived to tell Strick that someone had just deposited sixty unshaved golden Imperials to his account, each coin bearing the face of the previous emperor. Strick smiled and nodded. He knew who it was from, and wondered what other Price Kadakithis was paying.

A short time later, Hanse responded to Strick’s request to visit. He met the young Lady Esaria on her way out. Neither recognized the other because neither knew the other.

Somewhere, the goddess Eshi smiled.

“Hanse,” Strick said without any preamble at all, “a man needs your help. A client needs a service only you can perform.”

Hanse put on his face of sweet innocence. “I can’t imagine what you mean.”

Strick’s smile was cursory; dutiful, “A wall or two needs to be scaled. A house and a room or two need to be entered. An item needs to be fetched.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert