10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

ROXANE; DEATH’S QUEEN-Nisibisi witch. Nearly destroyed when Storm- bringer purged magic from Sanctuary, she is trapped inside a warded house and a dead man’s body.

HAUGHT-One-time apprentice oflschade who betrayed her and is now trapped with Roxane.

TASFALEN-The dissolute Rankan nobleman, one oflschade’s lov- ers, whose body has become Roxane’s prison.

STRICK; TORAZELAN STRICK TIFIRAQA- White Mage who has made Sanctuary his home. He will help anyone who comes to him, but there is always a Price, sometimes trivial and sometimes not, for his aid.

AVENESTRA; AVNEH-Once a preteen prealcoholic barfly at Sly’s

Place. Now Strick’s very young receptionist with a sweet tooth. FRAX-Former palace guardsman, now Strick’s fiercely loyal guard.

WINTSENAY; WINTS-A down-and-out young Ilsig whose life has improved immeasurably since he began working for Strick.


Visitors in Sanctuary

JARVEENA-A woman, once Melilot’s apprentice, who. with Enas Tori’s help, unveiled a plot to assassinate Prince Kadakithis shortly after his arrival in Sanctuary. In the intervening years she has been employed as Melilot’s trading agent, and her many hideous scars have been slowly fading.

SAMLOR HIL SAMT, Trader from the north. His sister died in Sanctuary and his business sometimes brings him back to the city.

STAR-His seven-year-old niece. A single lock of white grows amid her black hair. The Beysibs claim this is the mark of the favor of their gods and the child does seem to have some strange abilities.

The Rankans Living in Sanctuary

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Categories: Asprin, Robert