10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

That triggered a thought, but Hanse was careful to sound casual when he asked how one got the stuff off.

Cholly gestured. “Oh, I have a remover for it! Had to come up with that!”

“Uh. I guess,” Hanse said, and decided it was time to swing back to the potential trade: “How strong d’you think this silvered blade is?”

“It’s a dagger, Hanse. I mean, it isn’t as if you’re going to try throwing it or chopping trees, is it?”

The ritual of leading up to a transaction had begun. The dickering had to come first, of course, and the deliberate dropping of the subject for friendly converse before returning to another offer or “suggestion” of offer. This time the process took only fifteen or eighteen minutes. When Hanse left, Cholly had both Firaqi knives in exchange for the inlaid dagger and a pot of the dry-tack Hanse called “Cholly’s Dry Stickum.” The gluemaker threw in the remover as a courtesy. Their deal made both men happy-

Hanse returned to the area where he had left Silky. The melon pedlar had gone on, and apparently so had Silky. A little asking around apprised him that the tan-haired Sumese girl had departed, with that blond Rankan. While Hanse’s pride was wounded a bit, he was not unhappy. He did seem to be stuck with the big red cat. By that evening he had left Notable with Ahdio twice. The moment a door was opened. Notable hastened to use it and seek out Hanse.

“All right, you damn’ cat, let’s go home and drop off my new pot of glue! You’ll need to sniff out the place anyhow.”

Notable swerved sharply to bang his flank into Hanse’s leg. “Maowr!”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert