10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

MYRTIS-Madam of the Aphrodisia House.

SHAFRALAIN-Sanctuary nobleman who can trace his lineage and his money back to the days ofllsig’s glory.

ESARIA-His nubile daughter.


CUSHARLAIN-His cousin. A customs inspector and investigator.

SNAPPER JO-A friend who survived the destruction of magic in Sanctu- ary. Now employed as a bartender in the Vulgar Unicorn.

ZIP-Bitter young terrorist. Leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Sanctuary (PFLS). Now he and his remaining fighters have been designated as officials responsible for peace in the city.

The S’danzo

ILLYRA-Half-blood S’danzo seeress with True Sight. Wounded by PFLS in the False Plague Riots.

DUBRO-Bazaar blacksmith and husband to Illyra. ARTON-Their son, marked by the gods as part of the emerging diety known as the Stormchildren. He was sent to the Bandaran Islands for his education and safety-and to remove him from Sanctuary.

LILLIS-Their daughter, slain in the False Plague riots. TREVYA-A newborn orphan girl placed in their care by Walegrin.

MOONFLOWER-S’danzo seeress of remarkable obesity who was slain by Beysib guards who had mistakenly attacked her husband.

THE TERMAGANT-Oldest of the S’danzo women practicing her craft in Sanctuary.

The Magicians

ENAS YORL-Quasi-immortal mage cursed with eternal life and a con- stantly changing physical form.

ISCHADE-Necromancer and thief. Her curse is passed to her lovers who die from it. Her rivalry with Roxane drew her into the murky realm of Sanctuary’s politics from which she has yet to extricate herself.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert