10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

Dubro nodded, unfazed by her sarcasm. They’d had dealings with this woman before. Her acid was as normal a part of her as a smile was to Illyra-or had been to Illyra.

“I take it you know that among the amashkiki there are five families: fire, ore, wood, water, and air, as correspond to the five elements from which the universe was made. Each family is led by its Prime and de- fended by its Lance. There are, of course, cards which do not fall into the families but they are of no concern here for you described only Prime cards. Every Prime card.”

Again Dubro nodded. He had known that. The amashkiki had been generally adapted by the larger society around the S’danzo, though only they preserved its arcane functions. A gaming hand showing five Primes was worth a heavy bet.

“The Lances defend. They are rigid, sharp-edged, defined. The Primes, though, are the start of things.” The gray-haired woman grinned. “And also the ends. Magicians like the Prime cards because they mean every- thing, you know. The appearance of a Prime simplifies the reading, she may have told you this; two Primes and it practically shouts. Five Primes is absurd-and you, blacksmith, I think, know that.”

This time he grunted, but it meant the same as a nod.

“Perhaps she had just ordered the amashkiki and merely dropped the end cards?”

“She’d just sent out a visitor. If I thought it were an accident, I’d not have come here.”

“Then you and she stand on the cusp. All has already been revealed to you. It wants only your feet upon the path.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert