10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

“Might there not have been exceptions in the past?” Jarveena ven- tured- “Could there not have been ancient powers that since have been forgotten?”

“How can that be so, when Klikitagh has trudged from wizard to enchanter to magician for a thousand years, telling them his tale and begging them to strike off the fetters of his life9 There’s more to this than meets the inward eye Come’ Let us start the day with food “

That was not the usual first engagement she had with the wizard. Puzzled by the change, though not especially dismayed, she ascribed it perhaps to his unwillmgness to engage in the lists of love with a third party present-though she was sure he must have rendered Klikitagh blind and deaf and lost to the passage of time

In her heart of hearts, though, she knew it was because he was inter- ested much more by the stranger than herself

Turning away, Enas Yorl made a pass in the air and the far end of the immense hall drew obediently closer There stood a table set with bread and fruit and bowls of steaming broth, along with stoups of fragrant wine Assuming a high-backed chair, as though by afterthought he said, “Oh-clothe my visitors “

Unseen hands wrapped Jarveena in a silken gown, even to the point of fastening its sash She glanced at Klikitagh, a robe of homespun cloth as harsh as sacking fell around his awkwardly posturing frame

“You will not let him join us9” she suggested

“He is feeling neither hunger nor thirst,” replied the wizard “Besides, I may need to loose his tongue by conventional means, as Melilot essayed to do last night with scant success How can I, if he has already eaten from my table9”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert