10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

He found a decent place to live, in Red Court in the Maze, and de- lighted the proprietor by laying down a few coins in advance. Silky the ever supple and ever ready was for testing the bed; this soon after leaving Mignureal’s family, Hanse just couldn’t. He also couldn’t admit that. He pointed out the need to find her employment, and they wandered. Some- time that afternoon he realized that he had no intention of living with the tan-haired girl he and his loneliness had acquired up in Suma. All right, he could handle that; he was not stuck with her and besides she was obviously not charmed with the Maze, Hanse’s natural habitat.

He did succumb to Silky’s importunings to buy a melon. As he cut it, he noticed that the wooden handle of his favorite knife was loose.


Next he noticed that she was talking animatedly with another of the pedlar’s customers, a Rankan. Good, he thought, and without any com- punctions at all he walked away. Silky wasjust Silky, a passing fancy, but a defective knife was serious business. Using this cut-through and that, he was soon on the Street of Tanners. Three blocks down from Sly’s Place was Zandulas’s Tannery; one had only to follow one’s nose to find it and the busy establishment of Zandulas’s next door neighbor, Cholly. Cholly the Gluemaker was the man to see. Oh, his real name was Chollander, but only his wife called him that. Cholly performed a number of impor- tant services for Sanctuary, including the making of glue. In a town where bodies tended to appear with the morning sun and tended never to be claimed by anyone, a man who had use for them and thus rendered a free corpse-collection service was valuable. Come to think, “rendered” was the right word for the main part of Cholly’s activities.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert