10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

“How nice,” Shadowspawn murmured, meandering along the Serpen- tine. He knew that well-appointed villa, and the late Lastel/One- Thumb’s secret. All he had to do was use the tunnel connecting the house with a House; the brothel called Lily Garden. True, he had an idea about Cholly’s dry-tack, but he’d try that another time. Cheered by that pros- pect, he dropped in to the Vulgar Unicorn for a piece of cheese and an apple. He’d eat a proper meal afterward, if his stomach agreed. He tar- ried, more than civil and almost loquacious to the surprise of a couple of old acquaintances. He left their company at sunset, taking a small pail of beer home to his new second-floor room. Notable was happy to see him and more than happy with the beer. He lapped with gusto while Hanse stretched out to rest and think.

No question about it, entry will be like slicing pie. Now what am I likely to need? he thought, and his smile faded. Blast. Here previously, and up in Firaqa, he had grown accustomed to Mignue’s warnings and direc- tions!

Suppose I’m in and it turns out that I should have brought a brown crossed pot, or a copper kettle, or . . .

“Gulp,” he said aloud, trying to shame himself out of unwonted ner- vousness that was as uncharacteristic as his affability to the Vulg.

Notable looked up from his whisker-grooming. ” ‘rraow?”

“I said cats aren’t supposed to belch, you beer-guzzling greedbag.”

Hanse directed his thoughts to Nadeesh, and from that unfortunate man to Strick. That man’s going to make a Difference, he reflected. Al- ready has! Twice he shocked Notable by lurching up into a sitting posi- tion and snapping a throw. He had not told his landlord why he had grunted up here to his room with the old wooden wheel. It was inordi- nately thick and joined by pegs rather than nails. Braced against the wall farthest from the bed with the iron rim removed, it made a nice target. The throwing star he sent straight into the hub; the slender wafer of a knife from its sheath on his right upper arm missed by an inch.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert