10 – Aftermath by Asprin, Robert

“Nonetheless I have developed a certain attachment to yourself There is, admittedly, an element of sensuality involved, that apart, however, I prefer to keep it on the level of-shall we say9-respectful admiration Few who have so much reason to devote their lives to seeking revenge break away from their obsession, you have done so “

“Because the taste of vengeance was not sweet,” Jarveena muttered “It turned to ashes in my mouth “

“Even so, even so … Reverting to the point when I discerned that you had taken up with a companion, I rejoiced I watch you sometimes m my scrying glass, you know “

“I didn’t'” she said, startled “I don’t know whether to be flattered, or -Never mind’ Continue'”

“As I say I rejoiced, hoping that our attachment would thereby be weakened Despite my best intentions, though, I grew curious concerning him what manner of man, I asked myself, could win Jarveena from her wild, her willful ways? Inevitably, in the moment I found out, I was ensnared “

“I don’t see- Oh'” Jarveena leaned her elbows on the table, goblet cradled in brown hands “If he is truly innocent, the curse on him must be stronger than the spells that bind yourself Break his, and you may find the way to break your own “

“Did I not know you to be ungifted in that area, I might well say you read my mind “

There was silence between them for a while At last Jarveena looked him straight in his unhuman eyes

“What are you going to do9”

“I have already begun You would not know what day it is today, the calendar that counts it has been long disused But it was necessary that you and he should come here now-not yesterday and not tomorrow Otherwise one would have had to wait a quarter year “

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Categories: Asprin, Robert