Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

In this way, Tom explained, he could eliminate part of his bulky equipment and do an even better job of making the diver “invisible.”

Bubbling with enthusiasm, Tom decided to buy a live porpoise at once and make an exact recording of its sounds. As soon as he had finished lunch, he put in a number of calls to suppliers of marine specimens. But none could provide a porpoise on short notice.

“Guess I’ll have to catch one myself!” Tom told Chow.

He drove out to the airfield and took off in a Whirling Duck for Fearing Island.

At the base, both Mel Flagler and Zimby Cox were eager to accompany the young inventor when he told them about the trip he had in mind.

Tom chose the Sea Hound as the fastest and best suited craft for his purpose. With Mel’s and Zimby’s help, he quickly rigged a plastic “tank” in the stern cabin. Minutes later, the seacopter zoomed skyward, heading for the Florida Keys.

The flight was a short one at transonic speed. Tom chose a sparkling stretch of open water, a


mile or so offshore from a palm-green islet. Zimby agreed to stay aboard and tend ship while Tom and Mel went over the side in hydrolungs.

The two glided about in the translucent blue depths, keeping in close range of each other. The sea was alive with shimmering fish of every hue, darting among the coral. Suddenly, as Tom veered around to rejoin Mel, his eyes widened in horror.

A vicious-looking hammerhead shark was zeroing in, directly behind his friend!

“Look out!” Tom yelled over his microphone.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor