Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung



MEL turned in the nick of time. The monster shark was bearing down on him like an undersea express train. Overcoming a moment of panic, Mel gunned his ion drive to dodge the attack.

As Tom watched in agonized suspense, he saw the shark’s jaws open and shut in a lightning snap at Mel’s outstretched arm. Its razor-sharp teeth missed their target by inches!

Mel’s gasp of relief was audible over Tom’s earphones. “Let’s get out of here I” he cried, arrowing away from the man-killer.

Suddenly Tom realized the full extent of their peril. A long, sweeping coral reef, which extended above water, lay between them and the Sea Hound. Unless they could round the reef in time, the shark had them trapped 1

“Quick! This way!” Tom exclaimed.

The shark was moving at blinding speed. As



if sensing the boys’ plan of escape, it launched itself in a wide curving sweep to cut them off.

“We can’t make it!” Tom gasped. “We’ll have to fight!”

Both swimmers were armed with skin diver’s knives as a precaution. The two maneuvered to meet the killer’s onslaught.

This time its broad nightmarish head was aiming straight at Tom. He jetted off to the right, but the monster veered instantly. Its lashing tail gave Mel a stunning blow.

As the shark’s jaws gaped for a bite, Tom zoomed underneath the man-eater and slashed its belly with his knife.

The shark, maddened, thrashed the water in a frenzy. Tom moved like lightning to dodge a deadly blow from its bony tail. Again and again they felt the horrifying brush of the killer’s fins or armor-tough hide. By this time, Mel had revived. Repeatedly the two boys dived to jab and slash at the shark’s soft underbelly.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor