Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

This latter unit would compare the original pulse with the returning echoes. If an echo had a high enough “standard of acceptance”-that is, if its quality was very near the original pulse, it would show up on the screen in the normal way. If the echo came back blurred, or if “shadow echoes” showed up, these would be separated and appear on the screen colored red.

“Whew!” Tom sighed as he realized the complicated job of circuit design that lay ahead. “This sure is going to burn some midnight oill”

The young inventor worked all afternoon at a furious pace, breaking off toward dinnertime to telephone his mother that he would be staying overnight at the lab. After a hasty meal, he resumed his layout job at the drawing board and by


midnight had finished designing his quality analyzer sonar.

Whipping off his eyeshade, Tom went into the apartment next door and stretched out to snatch a few hours’ sleep. But as usual when in the midst of an exciting new project, he was too keyed up to rest for long.

Before daylight, Tom was back at his workbench ready to begin assembling the units of his new sonar gear. Later he phoned Chow but scarcely paused to eat when the cook arrived with his order.

“Brand my solar stovepipe!” Chow scolded. “Take time to eat your vittles properly, boss!”

“Hmm? … Oh, sure.” Tom looked up and grinned.

The stout old Texan stomped out, shaking his head.

As the morning wore on, the pace at which Tom had been working began to tell on the young inventor. His head nodded again and again. Gradually he fell forward into an exhausted doze.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor