Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

Then he hurried back to the car. Bud frowned upon hearing Tom’s story.

“Do you think he’s on the level?”

Tom shrugged as they headed out into the countryside. “I may be wrong, but the whole thing sounded fishy.”

“Now look!” Sandy said severely. “If we’re going to enjoy this hike, we’re not going to talk about Brungarians or inventions or that lost mis-MOUNTAIN HIKE 147

sile. From now on, it will cost anyone five cents every time he breaks the rule I”

The boys chuckled and agreed. But agreeing proved easier than keeping the rule. Again and again, either Tom or Bud would inadvertently drop a remark about their submarine experiments or the search in the South Atlantic. By the time they had parked in the hills and started climbing, Sandy’s and Phyl’s pockets were jingling with coins.

“What are you going to do with it all?” Bud asked jokingly.

“Give it to us!” snapped a strange voice.

As the four young people turned with a start, they saw two men burst from the shrubbery just behind them.

Both were holding guns!



SANDY and Phyl were terrified by the sudden appearance of the rough-looking pair with their drawn revolvers. Tom and Bud remained cool, eying the men warily.

“What’s the big idea?” Tom asked.

“Shut up and hoist your mitts!” the bigger of the men snarled. As the boys obeyed, he muttered to his partner, “Keep these two punks covered, Mugs, while I take their cash!”

“Right, Packy! I’ll watch ‘em!”

Sandy and Phyl emptied their pockets. Then Packy took the boys’ wallets and change.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor